Tales and Memories

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Claudus did ask for Lion-O.

Baal announced at diner that the lion was to go with them to their visit. He had been expecting a happy reaction on the lion's part, and had suggested Jareid to be ready to contain any fit of jealousy his mate could display. What he got instead was two straight faces that looked at him with disbelief for a few seconds before horror, and fear appeared on Lion-O's expressive face, while Tygra looked down, concentrating on his food without a word.

Yeana pouted at him, and declared that she didn't want Lion-O and Tygra to go away. Xilara only smiled at their daughter and explained to her that only Lion-O would be going, and that it was an important visit to the lion's father. The girl brightened then, and wished her friend a nice trip. Lion-O nodded absently. Neither brother touched their food. Tygra was obviously just playing with it, and Lion-O looked like he wanted to say something but didn't dare.

When Xilara took Yeana to bed, the young lion finally found the courage to talk.

"Sir, why isn't Tygra going?"

The tiger didn't look up, but stopped all movement. Jareid scowled at the lion. Baal was curious enough to answer.

"Your father specifically asked to see you. We are supposed to review the treaty and renegotiate some of the terms if he can."

Tygra's ears dropped. Lion-O bit his lips and looked nervously at his brother. Suddenly Tygra stood up and excused himself from the table. Jareid went after him with only a cursory glance at his father. Lion-O waited a minute before speaking again.

"Could he have asked at any time to see either one of us? Why is he asking for me now?"

"Well, not at any time. Our pact specifies that he can check on your welfare every year."

"So, he could have asked to see us both. Why only me?"

"You're his blood son, it's logical that he'd want to reassure his own court that you're fine." Lion-O scoffed derisively at that. Baal pretended that he didn't notice. "Besides, if he attends the ceremony he'd see Tygra then."

Lion-O scowled furiously.

"Why not wait 'till the ceremony then? He'd see both of us at the same time."

"Maybe he just wants to be sure that you're unharmed. After all, you're his youngest."

For Baal's surprise, the lion growled quietly. He excused himself and walked away from the table, grumbling something about Claudus just wanting to be sure that Tygra was doing his job.

Tygra went to Jareid's bedroom because he didn't have anywhere else to go. He didn't know why he was so upset, but he was, and he wanted some comforting place to be in. Sadly, the closest thing to that was the training courtyard, or the newest addition to Jareid's room. The jaguar had put a big puff sofa close to the window just for Tygra, and it quickly had become the tiger's favourite spot.

Tygra climbed on the piece of furniture as soon as he entered the bedroom. He lied down and crossed his arms and legs, almost curling inwards. Jareid took an uneasy look at him and approached cautiously.

"Are you ok? What's the matter?"

Tygra pouted. He didn't have any reason to be mad. He should be happy that Lion-O was going to Thundera. Right?

"It's nothing."

Jareid however, believed that he had an idea of what was troubling Tygra. In the year they had spent together they had had plenty of opportunities to know each other better. So, he crouched in front of his tiger, and looked at him.

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