Doubts and Changes.

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Bengali examined the results from the tests they had applied to Tygra with a deep frown. Apparently everything was in order, the only peak in the hormonal chart was for the adrenaline, and that was due to Tygra's anxiety. It could be easily controlled and not a dangerous issue. The High Shaman was at his side, nodding in approval.

"Good. He has a strong constitution. There should be no problems. Though I'd have preferred that he wasn't so young. This is going to have some effects on his growth, and we'd also have to be prepared for every eventuality we can think of. As his body is still developing it is bound to react to the major changes we have to make. We could have serious complications."

Bengali sighed. It was too soon for Tygra, but they had to try it.

"Wouldn't it be better if we convince prince Jareid to find a carrier."

"I sincerely hope we wouldn't have to do that. It'd be better for their relationship if Tygra carries the cub. As it is, they are still struggling with each other. A rift between them is the last thing we want. But you have been closer to them for this long. You should be able to tell us if a consort is advisable at this time."

Ben shook his head in denial. As painful as the whole ordeal had been for Tygra, he knew that throwing another into the mixture would only make things worse.

"No. It'd definitely be the end of the tentative comfort they'd found. I believe that Tygra would be devastated, even if he himself doesn't know it. And Jareid could regress to his previous behaviour."

"So, we are going to do everything we can for this pregnancy to be successful. They only need one cub. We're going to be specially careful with Tygra and keep him stable, as much as we possibly can."

Bengali nodded. It was going to be rough for the young tiger, but he had a healthy physiognomy and good stamina. He could make it.

Tygra surveyed his new room with satisfaction. The desk was beside the window, and there was a screen with a keyboard, a machine that he had found really useful for data storage. Opposite to the desk were two bookcases and a brand new puff. He had originally considered moving the one he had in the bedroom, but he hadn't wanted to loose that particular spot. So he had decided to get another one for his private domain.

On the other part of the room was a large couch that covered one corner. Snarf was happily making himself at home there, having already found a way to get into the room. Tygra was still baffled that his brother's pet had managed to find a way to open the sliding doors. He had had to accept that the critter was smarter than he had believed it to be.

The tiger shook his head and looked at the room at large again. It wasn't finished. After some more pieces of furniture it still had to be decorated somehow, though Tygra didn't think that'd be absolutely necessary.

He looked at the last piece that had arrived that morning. It was called a stereo, and it could play music. There was one in the dinning room that they listened to every day, and Lion-O had suggested Tygra to have one. The lion teen had been completely over the moon talking about it. Tygra chuckled at the memory and decided to test the contraption. He went quickly over the instructions and looked at the selection of music that the thing had to offer. He turned it on and fumbled a bit with the buttons, but eventually he got the machine playing some kind of soft flute music. He grinned at his success and sat heavily on the couch, avoiding Snarf and closing his eyes to relax a bit.

It had been a hard day, starting with his extremely embarrassing appointment with Bengali. He and Jareid had given their ejaculate sample for the Shamans to start the procedure, and it had had to be fresh. Of course Jareid had had no problems with that, but Tygra had had a very hard time trying to get off in an antiseptic room, knowing that Bengali was at the other side of the door. It might have been easier if he had gone alone, but with Jareid there, and insisting on helping him, the whole thing just had made Tygra want to die.

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