Chapter 7

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"Come on!" Yowled Stripepelt racing passed Flyspirit. I ran behind leaping over the tree stump that was in our way. I stopped when I saw him his fur was swaying in the wind. I took a step to the side to see what he was looking at. I looked down and relazied who it was.

"Mom?" My voice cracked as meowed. Stripepelt looked down in shock.

"Nooooooooooo!" He yowled and looking around us I saw my father with two small kits.

"We just wanted to explore." Squeaked Fallowkit my mother's last litter of kits. She got closer to my father who pushed her away along with Rabbitkit.

"Dad?" Squeaked Rabbitkit who got closer and my father unsheathed his claws.

"You killed her!" He growled and leaped at Fallowkit. The tiny brown kit squeaked and raced toward the tree. I ran over and stood over them.I could feel Fallowkit's breath on my hind leg.

"Give them to me!" Yowled Jayfrost giving his tail a swish. 

"No." I meowed to him and his face turned shocked.

"No?" He meowed and then padding away leaped at me. I pushed Rabbitkit and Fallowkit out the way. I attcked him.

"I'm the father of murders!" He yowled scratched my ear. I kicked him off.

"Come here." He yowled racing after me. I turned the corner and listened to Stripepelt yowling at my father. I looked down at the ravine. 
I'm dead. I thought and looked at my father who leaped at me.

"No." Yowled Stripepelt pushing my dad down and held him down.

"Son, what are you doing?" Jayfrost asked struggling to get Stripepelt off. 

"Doing what I must." He growled and bit into Jayfrost's neck. Jayfrost yowled in pain until I heard a crack. I closed my eyes and remembered what my parent were like before this mess. I opened my eyes and saw Stripepelt standing over Jayfrost him staring right at me.

"I had to do it, he would've killed Rabbit and Fallowkit." Stripepelt meowed to me.

"I know." I meowed raising my head high and smiling I walked back to the kits who were cowering next to the tree.

"Where's dad?" Asked the white Tom-kit. I looked at Rabbitkit.

"Where he should be, and for now on I'm your caretaker."

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