Billionaire Baby Deal - Chapter 7

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Two weeks later the tropical fish I became mesmerised now annoyed me. Diego insisted upon bed rest. I saw nobody but Diego coming to check on me. Breonia would bring me food and snacks before her and that too perky bottom of hers left me to it. I could only take so much more of watching TV before the remote would be thrown at it.

My hormones were now erratic and the toilet bowl was my best friend. I'd find myself crying over silly things. At one point I even cried because I saw one of the fish bite another's tail. Logically, it was nothing. Emotionally, I was in such a hysteric that Diego had came bounding in the room and actually turned the shutters down.

Pregnancy kind of sucked at the moment.

My flat stomach now had a small swell, nothing really noticeable to anyone, but I noticed.

Every night for the last two weeks, I slept on Diego's chest. Usually, I'd wake a little on the morning as Diego rose. He'd press a kiss upon my stomach and say goodbye before heading out.

We found ourselves falling into a routine of sharing meals, returning to bed and watching movies. Diego would sometimes have his laptop on his knee. He'd laugh good naturedly as I told him about my latest cry fest and he'd tell me about his day.

In the space of a week, Diego had set up a private part of the Medical Centre with the best machinery in the world. He'd told me of Dr. Gardener acquiring three teams of specialists for each triplet on their arrival.

Between Diego and Dr. Gardener, I knew my babies has the best chance of survival.

One night Diego brought home a few books for me to start reading. Currently I was reading What to Expect When You're Expecting Three.

A book that told you week by week what to expect. Another book Dr. Gardener gave me was actually written by a friend of his. It gave insight into what the labour would be like and what complications could arise during it. It also explained what could happen when the babies were actually born.

I hadn't read it yet, too afraid of what I might read.

One hot Caribbean night, I woke to find myself alone in the bed. I found myself upstairs on the main floor, Diego passed out on the sofa with the book against his chest. Next to that was a writing pad where Diego's normally elegant writing had been scrawled all over with graphs and plots and notes.

Quietly, I picked the pad up and began reading. I gasped in horror as I read the survival rates averages and dropped the pad to the floor. Diego woke abruptly and took me back to bed, attempting to reassure me that everything would be okay.

As I lay against his chest, Diego reminded me that our babies were in the safest hands and he was taking all the necessary steps to ensure the best outcome.

Laying back in bed, I looked up to the ceiling, sick of reading. My watch told me it was little after five pm, Diego wouldn't be due home for another two hours.

As I let out a breath, I heard the soft pad of Breonia's feet coming down the stairs.

"Miss Knight?" Breonia's voice lulled questioning, her Spanish accent thick.

"Yes?" I sat up, needing to get out of this bedroom.

"Senor Mendez has called," Breonia's perfect lips uttered, "he would like to pass on his apologies that he won't be home until late tonight due to a business dinner."

"Oh," I could not hide the disappointment in my voice. "I guess I'll find something to entertain myself."

I looked down at my fingers as Breonia left. It was too long since I'd seen anyone.

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