6. Dizzy Dreamer 10/11/16

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Kill this dizzy dreamer

While she’s broken and bent

Reduce her to hollow bone

Until her memories are spent

Go ahead

Make her dreams so small

So vastly unattainable

She’s just a little girl

Now her demons fly high

All over

Across her desolate sepia skies

There’s kindness in every one of your bullets

You say

You only want the best for her

But now this dreamer’s up and gone away

I t ‘ s  y o u r  f a u l t .

“You’re not a muse

Not a goddess

You’re just a girl

Too young to understand this world”

They scream and they shout

And this dizzy dreamer

All she wants is out

Out of this town

This life

This whole existence

She can’t take in anymore

They’re against her pure persistence

All she wants is out


O U T.

Set her free of this prison of a raincloud

Let her run wild

Let her see the world

Let her live her life as the hurricane she was born to be

Let her shed this mundane skin she’s been forced in

Leave her to think, to create, to feel, to just be

Set her free, set her free

Can’t you see as you lay this curse

No, of course not

Don’t let her compose even one verse

Her career’s dead

There’s no chance

Leave her be while she raves and she rants

About how you

You the killer

Tore her dreams away with your twisted form of nurture

She’ll never forgive you

Cast you aside, you nonbeliever

She’ll make it without you

She’s done it before

She’s tried and true in this practice

More than you are

You, you may have won this battle

But you’ll never win

T h i s  w a r.

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