Chapter One

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I stood just inside the door of the Phoenix Tear guild hall, and it was a disaster. There was a large fight going on, so I knew that I hadn't been noticed yet. Everyone was either fighting or trying to stop the fight from getting worse. I closed my eyes and sent out my senses to find the master of the guild. He was in a small back room behind a hidden door that could only be opened by magic. I walked around the edge of the room to the door and gently placed my hand on it. Focusing fiercely I gently undid the lock without setting of any of the alarms that would alert the master that someone was coming. I slipped inside the small opening and re-locked the door. I walked down the hallway taking care to avoid the alerts, when I got in front of the door I opened it without a sound and walked in, opening my eyes as well.

When I stepped inside the master hadn't noticed me, so when I shut the door I allowed it to make a small click as the latch fell into place. The master looked up, and I finally knew what he looked like. He was a little smaller than average, and he was in his late thirties, early forties. He had dark brown eyes, and light brown hair. His face had a kind quality to it, but right now he was not happy.

Who are you and how did you get past all of my guild members?" His voice was very deep, and it just proved my guess that he was angry.

"My name is Akeera al Jmaa. Your guild members were all fighting so it wasn't hard to sneak past them." I replied as I sat down. "Now I need to have a very important conversation with you."

"About what?" now he had calmed down some, and his voice showed curiosity.

"First, you need to take down one of your job requests. It requests you to kill a monster that is usually in the shape of a girl, but there is one thing the beast cannot hide. It's eyes are two different colors, one a captivating purple-brown color, and the other an ice cold blue."

"Why does it need taken down?" He asked cocking his head.

"Because there is no monster, it is just a girl with odd talents."

"How do you know this?"

"I will tell you before I leave. The second thing is that I would like you join your guild, please tell me how I can do that."

"Well in two days time we are going to have the monthly entrance exams, they start in the tenth hour of the day*, and will last until later that evening. Just show up here on time and you can show us your skills, and just maybe be let into the guild."

"Then I shall see you in two days time." I said as I stood up and was going to walk out the door, when the master stopped me by saying;

"What about telling me how you know about the girl?"

"Because I am the girl." I said just before I shut the door and walked out of the secret hallway as quietly as I came. When I got out I saw that the fight was still going on, and that annoyed me.

"I order you to sleep until you have calmed down." and I let the spell fly free, within moment everyone was asleep. I walked out of the door and into the street Arja**, who had been waiting by the door stood up and followed me as I headed back out of the town.


Voila, There you have it. A nice start to a story don't you think, a monster, a fight, and a test!


*Ten o'clock in the morning, ten at night would be the 22nd hour of the day. So they are pretty much running on military time.

**Pronounced Ar-ya, she is Akeera's pet tiger/companion^




^ the companion will be explained later......

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