Chapter Six

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Someone was following us, I knew it. I got Arja to stop for a moment, and I whispered that we were being followed, and I whispered my plan to get away. She smiled evilly and held her hand out for me to take. I took it and closed my eyes to concentrate.

I gathered a wind and sent it whipping around Arja and I, making sure to gather loose dirt into it so we would be hidden. Then I transported Arja and I to a northern village. When I let the wind disperse I saw that we had dropped in on a meeting.

"That was good timing. Don't you think, Arja?" she smiled at me.

"Who are you?" asked a man in a chair that was taller than the rest. I guess he is the Council-master.

"I am Akeera al Jmaa, sent by the Phoenix Tear guild to rid you of your monster problem." I knew this was the Northern Council, because of their strong magic auras.

"Oh, well then you may leave, we were just about to start our meeting."

"Thank you sir." I said, and then Arja and I walked out of the council room. When we got out I breathed in the cool, crisp air, and then sent out my magic. Searching along every cave, near every lake and forest, and as far as I could reach. Finally I stumbled upon a mass, that I recognized as a tiger of some sort. I knew it had been the one terrorizing the towns, because he had left his essence in the towns.

"Arja, we need to head north about five and a half miles. Can you turn into a tiger and carry me there?"

"Of course I can my dear." She transformed, and I climbed on her back. And she took off, I relaxed and enjoyed the wind going through my hair. Arja stopped suddenly, nearly throwing me off.

'He is beautiful.' she whispered softly.

'The tiger?'

"Yes, he is a large and beautiful snow tiger.'

'I am going to try to talk to him.'

'Be careful my dear.'

'I will.' I closed my eyes, and gently probed to his mind. There was a fog of madness and hunger that clouded his mind, and it was kept in place by magic. The magic made me think of the aura of one of the councilman. I ever so gently pierced the fog, to keep from hurting the majestic beast. As soon as I pierced it the spell, it collapsed, and the fog cleared.

'Who are you, my savior?' a new, and deeper voice whispered into my mind.

'My name is Akeera al Jmaa, and this is Arja.'

'Why do you ride on her back?'

'Because she runs much faster than I do. What is your name?'

'I am named Magra, because in the old language of the tigers it means 'he who is strong'. And Arja means 'graceful being'. '

'Can you turn into a human?'

'Yes, why do you ask?'

'Just out of curiosities sake. Will you come with Arja and I to a place that doesn't have the wizards who turned you into a killing machine?'

'I will gladly join you on your journeys, because I need to repay your kindness.'

'Then come with me. First I need to collect my reward from the magic council, and then we will head home.'

'That suits me.'

'Then let's go. and may I ride you, because I would like to let Arja rest from the journey here.'

'Of course you can Akeera.'

'Thank you.' I said as I climbed on his back. After I got on he and Arja took off with Magra in the lead. When we came upon the council's meeting room, I jumped off before Magra came to a full stop and propelled myself through the door.  When I opened the door, the muffled conversation came to a stop. I walked right up to the wizard who had the same magic aura  that I found in the fog, and I slapped him.

"What was that for, young woman?" he said indignantly, while holding his cheek.

"For doing those horrible things to your own cities. And you seriously misused your magic. Now hand me the reward that is posted on job request you sent out, and I will leave."

"Here is your reward, and don't you dare think I will let you get away with slapping me." He said after throwing a medium sized bag of money towards me.

"Thank you, and you had better believe I won't ever forget all of the horrible things you have done." I said. After that I turned on my heel and walked out the door.

'Are they angry at you my dear?' Arja asked.

'I am not really sure, and I really don't care. Now will both of you please turn human so we can go back to the guild hall.'

'Alright.' She said and transformed, with Magra following her lead. When they had finished I held my hand out to both of them, and we made a circle. This time I didn't bother with the wind storm, and i just transported us to the road Arja and I transported from the first time.

When our feet touched ground, Magra instantly changed back into his tiger form. Arja stayed as she was. We headed back down the road to the guild hall to say that we got the job done.


So I was going to make it longer, but I just wanted to update.

Explanation time:

1 The council's job, is just to take care of the people who live in that region. This will be explained more later in the story, so be ready for it.

2 Yes, Magra is now another 'animal companion'. He prefers to be in tiger from, and I might expand on that later, but maybe not.

3 All of the names in this book, I either made up or they just popped into my head while I was naming the characters. Magra took me forever to think of, and then it popped into my head, so whatever.

And last, please ask all of the questions you wish, it may take me a while to answer your question but I will get to it at some point. I would love it if you comment on the story, so do that please.

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