Chapter Two

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I walked inside the guild hall five minutes before the tenth hour, and this time I didn't bother to be quiet, sort of. Only four or five people turned around and looked at me, meaning that either they didn't care, or they didn't hear me. I walked slowly to a table in the corner, and sat down to wait for the tenth hour to come. Three guys walked up to me, and I knew that they were not happy with me.

"Move it, you're sittin' at our table and we don't like that. Right boys?" The one in the front said.

"I don't see any names on the table, or the chairs. Besides I was here first."

"Ask any of the people in this room, and they'll tell you it's our table." The room had gotten really quiet when the muscle-head and his lackeys walked in, so when I looked at them a lot were shaking their heads like they were trying to tell me to knock it off.

"I can see that." I said drily, taking their shaking heads the wrong way on purpose. As soon as Muscle head started to turn his head they stopped though.

"This is me and my boys' table, innit?" He asked the whole room, and he got mumbled yeses in reply from everyone. "Then why didn't you tell her that?"

"Because I had only been sitting for a few moments when you had walked in, and there were a few people who looked like they were about to get up and tell me before you came in." I cut in before anyone started a fight.

"Then I think we need to teach this little whelp a lesson or two. Right boys?" He received grunts that I took to be of pleasure. They would probably enjoy severely injuring me, which I wouldn't let happen of course.

"You know, I find it quite sad that every time you make a decision you have to ask your bullyboys what they think."

"Get her boys."

"Sleep 'til the rise of tomorrow's sun." I said, letting the spell fly free. The bullyboys hit the floor snoring. "Darn, it figures that they can't be pretty sleepers."

"You little..." He said as he walked toward me, holding his fist up to hit me. I unsheathed my knife at my waist, and threw it at him, catching his clothes and pinning him to the wall he had been leaning on to watch me get beaten.

I unsheathed another knife from one of my sleeves and stood in front of him, pointing my knife at his throat. "If you dare to do something like that to any lady, you will hear from me, understand?"

He just nodded. "If you continue to be this way, I can get you kicked out of this guild. And I know you like it here. Start acting more like an adult and not like a spoiled child." I stepped closer and sheathed the knife I was holding, grabbing the other one out of the wall and sheathing it to. "Now get out of here, and take your bullyboys."

He dragged his friends out behind him, and practically ran away. I just went back to sitting where I was before this whole fiasco. A few moments later the master came out from his secret hallway, and went to the stage on the far side of the room. A few people migrated closer, but there was no other movement.

"All righty then, before we get to the test I have an announcement. The monster killing job in Rkar* is being taken down because the people there aren't trying to kill a monster they are trying to kill a girl with a few different talents. I am sorry if any of you wanted to go on that job, but we do not take jobs like that. Now let's get started on the testing, all of those who are here to tryout for us please come up here."

I stood up with a few other people and headed to the stage. There were a few mutters of slight interest, but other than that it was quiet. I was standing with four other boys, they were all about fifteen years old.

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