Chapter Seven

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Everyone started to whisper in surprise when I walked back into the guild. The job-master just had his mouth open like a fish.

"Did ya give up already lass?" A man yelled from in the corner. I walked over to the man's table and threw the bag of coins onto it, and there was a very loud sound of clinking coins.

"Does this look like giving up, sir?" I asked calmly.

"N-no." He stuttered out.

"Good. Now I was just here to tell the job-master that I was done with the job. So good-bye." I said, and I grabbed my reward money and headed toward the door.

"Wait girl, I have a message for you from the master. He wanted you to go see him when you got back. He's in his office." Said one of the men near the secret door.

"Of course he has to talk to me." I muttered to myself, "Thank you for passing on the message." I said to the man, and then I walked to the door, opened it up, and went inside. I avoided all of the alarms out of habit and went to his door, then I knocked softly and waited to be let in.

"Come in Akeera." I smiled to myself, because he learned fast. I opened the door and walked in, seating myself on one of the comfortable chairs in front of his desk.

"What did you need me for, Master?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Well I was talking to a friend of mine earlier today. He works as a teacher in the magic academy nearby, and he left me a test for you to take if you were interested in going to the school." He said, almost nervously. I thought about it for a moment, and made a decision.

"I would like to take the test. I am interested in what more I could be taught."

"Hmm, well just give me a second to find the test and you can take it here." He said shuffling around his desk, finally he pulled out a small packet of papers and handed it to me along with a quill pen and some ink. I set it down on my lap and quickly started to answer the questions.


20 Minutes Later:

I filled in the last question and blew a gentle breeze to dry it. Then I set it down in front of him, and I walked out the door, not wanting to bother him, because he looked very busy. Then I left and walked out of the guild to go back to my little camp in the forest and sleep.

As I walked through the town, I heard whispers and coming from people. Most them went like this:

"She's the one who completed a monster hunting job in a little under a day? She's just a girl."

"I wonder why she hides her face."

"Maybe she has a scar or something like that."

"She dresses so scandalously! How on earth was she raised?"

"Did you see the tigers she was walking with earlier? Why does she keep them around? I would be absolutely terrified of them!" I smiled to myself at that one.

"Where on earth does she sleep? I've never seen her go into an inn."

"Maybe she sleeps out in the forest. She's practically an animal anyway."

It was like this the whole way through the town, and most of their whispers were just outrageous. I slipped into the cool forest and headed toward my camp. When I got there I saw Arja and Magra asleep in the extra blankets I had. I smiled softly and went to my own bed to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of splashing water. I blinked the grogginess out of my eyes and went to see what was going on. When I got closer to the river I saw Arja and Magra playing together in tiger form.

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