I hope my friends like me
I hope that my good friends in crew don't think I'm annoying.
I wish I could make a really lit mixtape
I hope I can always find happiness in theatre like I do now.
I wish i could actually not force myself to eat breakfast and lunch
I wish I could sleep more
Did I have English homework?
I hope I figure out a way to go back to sleep
I hope I can keep my grades up
I hope that the new kids like theatre as much as I do
I hope that freshman is having fun in crew
Shit, I did have English homework.
I hope I don't cuss a lot?
It's always been weird for me to do it, but sometimes I do let some slip.
I'm glad it's cold out, in the mornings I take hot chocolate and drink it on the bus
And also sWEATERS??
I hope all of our competitions go well.
I hope the play goes well.
I hope I can go back to sleep.