Chapter 4.

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Warning : Jeff seems like a child, but only because he's happy to see Liu..though he IS immature.

Chapter 4.

As Ben/s face started to cool off, he looked back up at Liu. "Jeff' Oh..oh my god!" His eyes widened with excitement. "He's told me SO much about you!" Ben squealed and bounced up and down. "Come in come in!"

Liu nodded and walked into the mansion. It was beautiful. Black carpeting, a white couch with black and white pillows, and the walls were black with writing. It seemed like blood, Liu wasn't surprised. "I like the place." he smirked.

As Ben rambled about all the stories Jeff had shared with him, Liu stared at the stairs. He knew Jeff was up there, he wanted badly to go and say hi. To tell him he forgives him..

Liu looked back at Ben. "Look kid, I need to see Jeff." He said before walking up the stairs quietly. 


Jeff laid on his bed, whimpering. "Does he hate me? God damn it, I thought I killed him..I miss him..why won't he stick around so I can tell him how much i'm sorry?" Before he could let out a sigh, the door opened. Jeff looked over, only taking him a second to realize who it was.

"Liu?!" Jeff gasped and ran to Liu, hugging his brother tightly. Liu chuckled and hugged back. "Jeff..I forgive you. I understand you were a bit out of it when you tried to kill me. I missed you so much..I couldn't bare to pretend I didn't know who you were in that ally." Jeff teared up and held him tightly. "I'm so sorry brother..I love you.." Liu smiled and teared up with joy. "I love you too."

After a minute, they broke away. Wiping the tears, smiling with glee. "Liu, can you live here? I'm sure Slendy will say yes!" Liu tilted his head. "Slendy..? you mean THE Slender Man?" His face lit up and he chuckled. "OH how i've been longing to meet him!"

Jeff chuckled and brought Liu out into the hallway. As they walked towards Slender's office, Liu noticed the doors had names carved into them.






and a nameless door.

Jeff knocked on the door they stood in front of. Slowly, the door opened inwards, revealing a pit of darkness. "Uhh..Slendy? Lights?" The lights flickered on to show a tall faceless man in a suit sitting at a desk. "Yes Jeffrey?" Slender asked, somewhat annoyed.

"Slendy..this is brother, Liu." Quickly, Slendy turned to look at Liu. "So this is the famous Liu we hear of all the time?" Slendy chuckled and got up. He walked over to his proxy and the new comer. "We've heard lots about you, nice to meet you. I'm-"

"Slender Man! GOD you're so amazing!' Liu fangirled. Slendy stood there awkwardly. "Heh..yea.." Slender cleared his throat as Jeff spoke up. "Slendy, can he PLEASE stay with us?

Slender sighed. "Well..we do have an extra room..alright Jeff. Liu may stay. Have him carve his name and get comfortable. I might consider making him my new proxy." Jeff and Liu gasped with excitement. "YAY! Thanks Slendy!"

Jeff grabbed Liu's wrist and brought him to the empty room. 

"Liu..welcome to your new home!"

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