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Jenrie's POV
After what happend yesterday, I disguised my self as a boy which is a good idea actually. I can know what those brats up to. What? I can call the boys brats. So I sneaked downstairs so my mom win't notice me but... "Jenrie. Eat now. And why are you look like a boy?" she asked. "I'm going to do a prank for all of them!" I exclaimed. She sighed. I took my sandwich and ate it. Then I grabbed my black bag then walked outside. I spotted Dwight and Caeli. I ran into them but I remember that I'm in disguised. I walked behind them and hear there conversation.

Dwight's POV
I am Rookie Dwight Ketchum. As you might know I went to Angelicum Academy. Yup. I went downstairs and greeted by my family. "Morning." they all said. "Morning." I replied. My older brother is Jake and Mike and my older sister is Yani. I ate my cereals then bid goodbye. As I am walking to school, I saw Caeli. Back in Elementary, I used to asked things to her. But she never fight back. But at Grade 6, she did something that surprise us. She smack Dyncyl in the head using her hairbrush! "Hey Caeli!" I greeted. "Morning!" she greet back. We walked together to school. "So you aren't mad that I'm here?" I ask. You see, us boys can't talk or be with the girls. "Nope. I have nothing against all of you." she said. "But you are friends with Jenrie." I said. "It is fine that I am friends with you and her." she said. "Besides that rule will be erase." I gave her a questioning look. What does she mean? "Soon you'll find out." she said.

Jenrie's POV
Sooo. They are talking about the school and ME. It is fine. I pat them both at the back. Caeli jump because that startle her and Dwight just said, "Who are you?". "My name is Jenno Kickson." I said. Wow Jen. Smooth! "Ok Jenno. My name is Caeli and this is Dwight." she said. "And we are going to A.A. how about you?" Dwight asked. "Same dude." I said. We walked until we reach the school. Caeli went to her homeroom and I went with Dwight cuz I am currently a guy. "Hey guys! This is Jenno Kickson. He's a new member of the group." Dwight said. Now let's rephrase who is my NEW classmates.
John Dwyanne Alapa
Ginno Antique
Jm Zelda
Earl Laurance Bianca
Dyncyl Adershi
Renelle Kurt Gamboa
Matthew Lance Estalyo
Rookie Dwight Ketchum
Clyve Eric Verdis
Uziel Divine
Jessie Oriens
Shawn Stone
Andrei Allus
Zedrick Zerous
Philip Francisco
Federick Lystell
Jericho Tomas
Ok I know all of them except the newbies. "Yo! I'm Jenno nice to meet you." I greeted them. They gave me hellos. I saw Renelle with his friends. I sigh. We went to our first class, English with the girls. We went in and the teacher is not yet here. "Hello girls!" we greeted. They waved at us. "Where's Jenrie?" Renelle asked. "We don't know." the girls said. So the teacher came in and said, "Wow class. it looks like all of you are friends now." We all laughed. "And I see Jenrie is absent." the teacher continued.

Renelle's POV

Where Jenrie could be? Is she upset because of me? Or she skip school because of me?                    

Time skip to lunch

It's lunch but she didn't came. "UGGGGHHHH!" Everyone at the cafeteria are looking at me. "What?" I asked. They look away and continue eating their lunch. "Dude what's up?" Jm asked me. My friends and the new guy look at me. "I just miss her." I said. "Who?" Dwight asked. "Jenrie. I think maybe its my fault." I said sadly. "Why?" Jenno asked. "Just because... think about what I have done to her." I answered. "Dude, it's not your fault. She misunderstand everything." Dwyanne said. "The question is, why do you miss her. Do you still love her?" Earl asked. I blushed. Wait.... why i am blushing? Do I love her? "Dude your blushing!" The boys exclaimed.

Jenrie's POV

Does he still love me?! No, that can't be true. But being a boy is horrible. I can't take it anymore!! I went to the janitor's closet since he allowed me to go in. I change my clothes and went out then went to the boy's table. "Hey guys." I said. "JENRIE!" Renelle exclaimed. "I thought you are absent because of-" I cut him. "I am here all along." I begin to laugh. All of them seems confused. "I am Jenno, Renelle" I said laughing. "Wait, w-what?" they asked. "So you heard our conversation??!!" Renelle asked blushing. I nodded. "Ren, it's okay if you don't like me. Maybe someday we'll be together again, but not for now." I said. "Jenrie, I still like you." he said blushing. I blush deep red. W-What? Me, blushing. Do I? No, it can't be. "Ooooh~ Jenrie's blushing." I heard the girls said. "I still do like Renelle. But, maybe in the future I said,we'll be together."

And that's the end of our young love. yup i am ending it now. just wait for book 2. bai

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