CH1: On Our Way

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Picture of Niki, her eyes are just brown ---------->

Would love to hear any feedbacks, critics, or suggestions anyone has!! 


As the brunette stood facing the field from the on deck circle, her eyes never leaving the pitcher before the ball was released from her grasp. Heart thumping, the player watched as her teammate’s bat met the ball, and landed the batter on first base. They bases were now loaded.

                “Next up to bat, Nikita Ace…” The announcer continued on, buy Niki ignored him, tapping her bat to her helmet for good luck, as she slowly walked up towards the box. One cleat entered the right side of the box, while the other stay out. She played around with the bat in her hand, before stepping into the box and holding up a hand to the Umpire.

                She began her ‘dance’, wiggling her feet, bending her knees until her butt almost touched the ground, swirling her bat, and working the adrenaline all through her system. Her mind didn’t falter, as she dropped her hand to her bat, and nodded a curt nod, not that the pitcher was paying much attention to her, as she wound up.

The sound of a ball hitting a bat rang out across the ball park. The batter sprinted to first base, and then on, her eyes’ never leaving what was in front of her. She soared around the bases, that adrenaline rushing. She smiled as she heard people screaming her nick name, “Beast! Beast! Beast!” Everyone chanted, and she couldn’t help but chuckle at the coincidence that it had to with what she was…

                And then she slid into home, just as the clock on the score board hit zero, “Homerun!” The announcer yelled into the mike, “There’s the legendary ‘Beast’ Niki Ace!!” He shouted, “Making the final points for the Wolves, resulting in a score of 22 to 18.” Niki smiled as she realized that her softball team, “The Wolves”, had just won the championship, the last one she would ever be a part of here in Fort Worth, Texas.

                The girl looked up, taking off her helmet and letting her ponytail fall from the top of her head, where she always put it so the helmet would fit. Niki looked to the stands and saw her best friend and basically sister, Carmen, looking directly at her.

                ‘It’s time…’ She said through their pack link, and Niki nodded knowingly, only to have their conversation cut short by Niki’s team lifting her up and parading her around the field. She basked in the feeling, not knowing if they even had a team where she was headed.

As the plane began to descend, Niki’s dream of the previous night began to fade, and she opened her eyes and looked around. She suddenly remembered that she was on a plane going to Montana.

Nikita K. Ace, also known as both Niki or Kay, sat on the side closest to the window, and her best friend, Carmen A. Smith, or C, sat to her right. Both girls’ eyes were a little red; they left home and were setting out for somewhere new. Well in Carmen’s case it was new, but as for Niki it was just a horrible memory.

                Niki shuddered a little; causing Carmen to look over at her, and Nikita couldn’t help but notice the worry on her best friends face. Niki smiled at her, “I’m fi…” But she was interrupted as the flight attendant began walking up and down the aisles, making sure everyone had their seat belts on.

                Carmen looked up and did as she was told, along with Nikita who did as well. She could only imagine what her ‘sister’ was going through right now. She looked back towards Nikita, who was now staring out the window, watching as they descended to an airport somewhere in Helena, Montana, and Carmen’s light green eyes shone with worry. They were headed for a little town about 150 miles from the capital, a town which just so happened to be secluded from the rest of the world by a big forest and the Rocky Mountains. The girls had planned ahead and they had bought a house, and sent all of their belongings ahead, so they only had to pack light for the trip it would take to get there. They had also decided before hand that they would get the rest of the way to the little town by running, but that would be an easy thing to do for two female werewolves, who just so happened to be very in shape.

                Nikita looked over and saw that Carmen was once again looking at her with a worried expression, and she sighed, turning towards her friend, she paused, “What’s on your mind C?” She asked, using her name for Carmen, while her dark brown eyes were boring into her friends.

                Carmen smiled a little, they could read each other like books, and they always had been able too, “Are you sure your ready for this Kay?” She asked, using her name for Niki, already knowing what the answer was going to be.

                Nikita sighed, “As ready as I’ll ever be…” She mumbled, before looking up as she noticed the plane had stopped, causing her to break out into a smile, “It’s time to go for a run…” She said so low human ears wouldn’t catch it.

                This made Carmen scowl, she hated running long distances, unlike Niki, but she was sure that if it was with the brunette, then it would be a fun trip.

                The two girls stepped off the plane, Nikita’s brown hair blowing with the wind even though it was tied back like always, this was something she had a bad habit of doing that Carmen was trying to break, always stating that her hair looked better down than in a pony tail, but Niki had always ignored her, stating that she liked it better up and it was just in the way down. Nikita couldn’t help but notice as her wolf sighed with relief, ‘Home!’ she stated, her voice happy. Nikita had to ignore that comment; she wasn’t quite sure whether she was happy or sad to be returning here. 

                Niki and Carmen stepped out of the airport, and began to walk out of the parking lot and into a forest that was conveniently located right beside the port. There they went behind trees and shifted into their wolves, making sure not to attract any attention. Then they were off, their little bags of travel stuff in their jaws, sprinting at a full speed. Nikita couldn’t wait to get to their new house.    

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