CH 7: Troublesome Neighbors

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Sorry for not getting around to this for so long. I have been extremely busy.

I've gone through and edited all the previous chapters, and added a few things, and changed some around, so make sure you read those over.



I starred at the figure that emerged from the trees, all five senses were on overdrive. I scowled, Danger! My wolf hummed in my ear, and I unconsciously growled, “Who are you?!” I repeated my voice hard and edgy.

                The figure, who I now knew was a male werewolf, smirked, “Just a rogue.” He chided, his eyes locked on mine as he kept walking forward.

                I growled, taking another step backward, What does he want…? The thought ran through my head, before I could stop it, and I got an immediate response.

                What does who want? The question came to my through Kaden and I’s mind link. I sighed, causing a little bit of distraction from the approaching danger.

                Bad idea! I was pinned against a tree before I could do anything. My wolf howled, at the touch of another male besides her mate, and he obviously sensed it; I could feel the jealousy radiating off Kaden even though I was nowhere near him, Who is touching you?! He growled, his voice demanding.

                I ignored him, and turned to my, ‘little friend’, “I’ll ask once more… Who are you?!” I growled in his face, struggling against his grip with all I had.

                He smirked at me, “I’m a rogue, I told you that… I despise pack wolves!” He growled, “The way they do things… It should all be demolished.” There was so much hate in his voice that I just stared incredulously at him. For the first time I noticed, that the tattoo he was supposed to have, marking him as part of a pack, was slashed in half. The man in front of me looked broken. His raven black hair messy and unkempt and grey eyes were dull and held no life within.

                I turned my gaze past him as Kaden broke into the clearing, panting, eyes filled with complete rage and possession, “Mine!” He shouted, before he crossed the five meters between us, and sent the rogue flying. Turning to take up a protective stance in front of me, “What are you doing here, Jason?!” He hissed, his body shaking with rage.

                I raised an eyebrow, “You know him?” I asked, cautiously, eyes scanning every future on Kaden’s face, waiting for a reaction.

                “He is second in command in the rogue army, only second to Mathias.” He mumbled, eyes locked on Jason.

                I looked up at Kaden; I didn’t understand why I hadn’t heard about this, it was making me a little dizzy. My eyes shifted back to Jason, and I studied him in depth this time. Unconsciously I leaned into Kaden’s chest, and I immediately felt him stiffen, “I am really dizzy.” I mumbled the sweat from my previous work out dripping down my face.

                Kaden turned his attention to Jason, “Get lost Rogue!” He growled, and for the first time since I had seen him, I actually was happy that he was here. My eyes followed the Rogue out, before I noted that other pack members started to show up, then I blacked out.


I groaned, before turning over in what I thought to be someone’s bed. Slowly I opened my groggy eyes to find a room that I had never seen before. Bolting straight up, I looked around, only to find that moving so quickly was a bad idea as I wound up holding my throbbing head. It took it a moment or two to settle down, to where I could get up.  I stumbled over to the door, pausing to scent out the room, really, I didn’t have to guess, but I quickly found out this was Kaden’s room.

That made me want to go lay on his bed and never leave, I wouldn’t mind that… Kaden thought, and I couldn’t help but smile slightly.

Only in your dreams baby. Smirking at his disappointment, I turned the door handle and stepped out into the hall. I found my way to the stair case, and stumbled down them, before realizing that I had one of Kaden’s huge shirts on and a pair of his shorts as well. I smiled, before leaning against a wall in the hallway, and bringing the collar of the shirt up to my nose. Inhaling Kaden’s scent for comfort was one of the last things I imagined myself doing today, but I was really shaken up. My supernatural hearing caught the muttering of voices in the living room, and as I rounded the corner, I couldn’t help but smile. As I entered the room, Connor, Max, Matthew, Jason, Carmen, and Kaden looked up.

Offering a quick smile, I walked over to the couch and sat down beside Kaden, and when he looked at me questioningly I had to laugh, “Only because it was the only seat left.”

This seemed to make him pout a little, before they got back to their previous conversation, “…So what should we do Kade?” Josh asked, looking towards his Alpha.

Not really paying attention, I leaned into Kaden, and only offered a smile as he looked down at me puzzled. He didn’t say a word, until he turned back to Josh, “Well… I guess the wisest thing to do would be to strengthen up patrols and make sure that bastard doesn’t show up around here again.”

Questioningly, I looked up towards Kaden, “Ummm…. Don’t you think there was a reason he came around in the first place?” I asked, “Like maybe he was after something or…” I paused, realization finally hitting me, “Someone…”

This caused a reaction from everyone in the room, Kaden’s growl being the loudest, “That fucking bastard!!! If he takes you, I’ll kill him.” He roared.

It took everything I had, to not smack him upside the head, as I turned towards him, “I can take care of myself. Thank you very much.” I stated, before getting up and walking towards the kitchen. My mind wandered off to somewhere else as I sat on the barstool in the middle of the three by the kitchen island.

We know him from somewhere…  My wolf concluded, throwing a mental picture of the Rouge at me.

I know… I just can’t place him right now…. I told her, my eyes closed, as I tried to think of how I would know the weird man.

My wolf laughed at this, before she suddenly asked,  I wonder how close those Rogue’s live around here?

I don’t know, remind me later and we’ll ask Kaden. But I think that it would have to be somewhere close, considering the fact that Rouge man didn’t look too worn out.

She agreed with me on this, and then retreated, saying that she was tired, and left me to my thoughts. Suddenly I felt myself being overtaken by drowsiness so I walked back over to the staircase, not even bothering to stop and say anything to the gathered wolves in the living room. It took me maybe two minutes to locate Kaden’s room, before I walked in, and laid down on his bed. My nose picked up the scents of other werewolves, and I knew they were female.

For some reason I felt extremely pissed off about this, but ignored the feeling, knowing that it had been a while ago, from the staleness of the scents.

Soon after, I fell asleep, only to be tortured by painful memories of the past. I dreamed of the night that I ran away, and how I ended up on a cargo train to Texas. I stayed in a car all by myself for what seemed like a painfully long time.

By the time I was found by Hector and Melody, I was covered in mud, hadn’t eaten for three days, and was basically a walking skeleton, but somehow, even through all that, I managed to show the pair my fighting sprit, toughness, and stubbornness, and they decided to adopt me as their own.     

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2012 ⏰

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