Illusions: Part 1

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Wow! Like Mom and Dad have never been so cruel.
Boarding school?! Ugh!!
Mom and Dad dropped me at St.Mary's High, my new school. The name sucks! Anyways, what could I do?

First day of school is always the hardest. Getting my timetable, finding the rooms, enduring annoying teachers... School life.

But what was worse was that everyone seemed to know each other and had no trouble finding people to sit with during class, at lunch and in the lab. That kinda hurt, but thankfully some girls tried to be friendly.

One girl was with me in Art. Her name was April. She didn't talk much and the only reason I still remembered her name was because her name was the name of a month, like mine, June.

Yup, that's my name. June Walker. Aged 14. If you really want to know more, I have brown, wavy waist length hair and brown eyes. Currently suffering through the first day of my freshman year at boarding school. Average. That's what I am. An average girl.

April was nice enough to introduce me to her best friend. Isabelle, I think, was her name. April called her Izzy. I had to fight down my urge to ask her where her Simon was. I settled for smiling politely.

During Math, a girl named Maya helped me. But she was the complete opposite of April. She talked way too much. The sir caught her talking quite a few times, but he was giving me the looks which said This is only your first day and you are already asking for trouble, young lady. But never the less, she was a blast.

After the classes, we had lunch. We didn't have "cafeteria lunch". We got to take our food in our plates and sit any where we liked, in the grass lawn. It was more like a picnic.

For the record, the lunch was unlike any stereotypical school lunch. It was actually good. After I took my food, I thought about sitting alone. But when I looked around, no one was sitting alone. Literally, no one. The smallest group of people was a group of two.

I looked around for April, as she was the closest thing I had to a friend. She was sitting with Isabelle. As I walked towards them, I could make out that they were talking about something important. April's eyebrows were creased and Isabelle had her head in one hand. I quickly veered away from that scene.

A few groups away I saw Maya with two other boys. I she saw me looking and waved. Then she pointed at me and then pointed at the spot beside her. I grinned and gave her a thumbs up. She grinned back. I quickly made my way to them. She introduced the red haired guy as Ashton Dare, her boyfriend. I couldn't help but smile. She then introduced the brown haired guy as Joe Franklin.

I have to admit, Joe Franklin was hot. He had bright brown hair with little dark brown streaks here and there, and electric blue eyes that had bursts of gold at the rim. He looked incredibly muscular, but in a slender way. He also looked tall, though he was sitting. To kiss him, maybe even if I went on my toes I wouldn't be able -

Yuck! Stop it June!
You don't even know if he has a girlfriend

Shaking away those thoughts, I sat in between Maya and Joe. Maya and Ashton were busy talking between them selves, so I tried to start a conversation between Joe and I.

"Hey, I'm June", I introduced myself, again.
"And I'm May. As hot as ever", he said, with a straight face.
"Huh? So, I take, that May is pretty cold, if this is as hot as it gets?", I challenged, trying to keep a straight face.
"Ooh, burn, man", Ashton exclaimed out of the blue. I blushed realising that Maya and Ashton were listening to us.
"Shut up, man", Joe covered. He dug into his food as Maya and Ashton went back to taking to each other. I started eating as well.

"Joe", he said. I raised an eyebrow. Then it dawned on me.
"I know. Maya just introduced us", I stated.
"Oh yeah", he mumbled. I felt the need to start a proper conversation.

"So, what books do you read?", I started.
"Oh, I read everything! My favourite series is the Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus books"
What a coincidence, cuz those were my favourite books as well!
Well, they were my favorites after the 5th wave series

"Oh! I really like those books too. Have you ever wished you were the child of a God?"
"Oh my Gods. You too? I've always wanted to be a Aphrodite child. Before you judge, just imagine, you could charmspeak your enemy into sticking his head in the toilet, you could make doves poop on people and just look hot"

I had to laugh. Those were some dumb, but humorous reasons to be an Aphrodite child.

No offence Aphrodite!
Please do not make me wake up with a wart on my nose.

But I was also a little surprised. Most of the people who have read the Percy Jackson series would say they wanted to be a Poseidon child. I often wish that...

No offence Dad!

Anyways I said, "You look like you could pass off for an Aphrodite child".
Immediately, I covered my mouth. Joe blushed really hard. So did I.
Soon, it was bed time. Again, no stereotypical dorms. We had villas where three people lived together. You will not believe it.

I was with April and Isabelle!!!

A/N: Hey guys! Improvised hot stuff coming up!
So basically I edited the chapters so that they are longer and more interesting.
Drama!!! Please vote and comment!

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