Illusions: Part 5

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I heard yells from outside the villa. Both Joe's and Izzy's voices attacking each other like the mongoose and snake. Both April and I quickly went out to solve it before things became too serious.

As I stepped out the first thing I noticed was Joe's red face. Apparently that was what April noticed first as well.
"Omg, Izzy. You slapped Joe!", and she began clapping her hands. I just shook my head.

"Izzy, why did you slap Joe?", I asked her. She looked at me open-mouthed.

"Are you kidding me? He hurt you. Physically. There was no way I was going to let him go unharmed", she glared at him.

"What's the deal with you girls? I just wanna talk to June!", Joe spat at Izzy. April looked at me.

"I'm gonna tell him", I said. Joe heard that and looked scared.

"I can't hurt anyone because of something some random person said. Come in", I told Joe.

"Okay", he said slowly. He walked slowly into the house.

"Oh my God. First you want to know what's wrong and now you look like you're going to wet your pants. Will you just make it fast?", I scolded him.

"I'm coming, ma'am", he saluted. I just rolled my eyes.

"In here" I motioned my room. He walked in and stared at my teal walls.
"How are your walls not stained?", he mumbled.

"Even Carol's walls must be like this, so I don't get why you're so surprised", I told him, annoyed. He chuckled.

"That's exactly why asked you. Her walls are stained. With glue marks. She has so many posters", he laughed. The very fact that he knew how Carol's room looked, sent a flare up my chest.

"That's not the point", I bared my teeth at him, "If you don't want to know what happened, go", I pointed a finger towards the door. He raised his hands in defeat.

"Tell me", he said. I took a deep breath.

"Well, someone had a problem with us", I motioned both of us, back and forth.

"That person asked me to ignore you or else she would tell people something I didn't want her to", I told him, rocking myself.

"And let me guess. This someone was none other that Carol Turner", Joe asked. I just mock clapped. He immediately walked out.

Five seconds later, April and Izzy burst into the room.

"We saw him leave. Actually he kinda stalked out. What did you do?", April asked me. I told them what I told Joe.

"Considering what you had told him, I hope he left to whip Carol's ass", Izzy grinned. I looked at her, wide-eyed. April laughed uneasily.

"Or, in other words, he went to break up with her", April tried to cover Izzy's statement.

"Yeah...", I nodded, eyeing both if them. My ears perked at the sound of our door creaking. All three of us looked at my closed door. A few second later my door handle creaked. But then it stopped.

"Are you girls fully clothed?", a deep voice asked from outside. April just slapped her forehead.

"Joe, it hasn't even been two minutes since you left. What did you expect us to do? Strip down to our underwear?", Izzy yelled at Joe.

Then the door opened.

"Sorry", he muttered, "can you leave?", he looked at April and Izzy. Izzy looked like she was going to say something more, but April dragged her out of the room. Joe looked at me.

"Why'd you come back?", I asked him. He just smiled.

"Carol told me", he told me. That idiot, I thought, mentally making pulp of Carol.

"Then why'd you come back?", I asked again.

"Because I wanted to", he said. I raised one eyebrow.

"Ask him if he whipped Carol's ass!", Izzy's voice echoed from outside. I heard April telling her to keep quiet, and that we weren't the only house in the school.

"Well, I didn't exactly whip her ass, but I did do something", he offered.

"Uh huh", I said, raising my eyebrows again.

"I thought you would be more excited when I said that", he pouted.

"I may or may not be hiding it. Now tell me", I told him. He grinned.

"I broke up with her", he announced.

"I'm so proud of you, man!", Izzy exclaimed from outside. Again, April shushed her.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Isabelle is more excited than you!", he exclaimed.

"So?", I asked.

"Considering what Carol told me, you were supposed to throw your arms around me and, I don't know, do something", he rambled.

"Uh huh", I said, hiding a smile.

"June, you are literally the hardest person to impress", he said, as he inched closer.

"You see, the problem is I don't know what Carol told you", I told him.

"You... Don't?", he asked, now perplexed.

"Nope", I said, trying hard to keep up the charade, though I knew exactly what Carol would've told him.

"Um, ok. Uh, Carol told me that, um, Gods, how do I say this. Uh, she said that, um, you might wanna be, uh, um, what do you say, uh", he stuttered miserably. I just laughed.

"Why are you laughing? I need help here!", he cried out.

"I don't know! You are the one who's trying to tell me something", I told him.

"Shesaidyoumightlikeme", he said in one breath.

"I do", and I neared him until our lips were touching.

"I thought so", he smirked and kissed me.

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