Illusions: part 2

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The next morning, Maya, Ash, Joe and I sat together for breakfast. Maya and Ash suddenly took interest in thumb wrestling. At first I watched their game intently, but after two matches it got boring. So I went back to my food.

"You never told me which God's child you wanted to be", next to me a voice complained. I started.
"Oh, it's you", I breathed out. Joe looked perplexed.
"You don't seem happy", he pouted. I smiled.
"No, no. It's nice to have some company that is not thumb wrestling", I said shaking my head.

"Huh. So, which God?", he asked again.
"Um, I don't really have, like, one, specific God, but I've wanted to be a child of Poseidon for the longest time", I poured out.
"Yesterday, I was just joking about the Aphrodite thing. It would be cool, but meh. I've wanted to be a child of Athena for as long as I can remember", he said sheepishly.
"Yeah I know", I said. Joe looked wide-eyed.

"I mean, last night, my friend April gave me a crash course on all the hot boys-", I immediately shut my mouth. Joe grinned.
"So your friend thinks I'm hot, huh?", Joe asked, still grinning. I felt a flare in my chest and it was not in April's defence. I scowled at him.
"No. It was just a general evaluation", I told him, still slightly annoyed.
"Ok, ok! Sorry. Go ahead", he raised his hands in defeat.

"Yeah. So she basically told me about the selected few. She told me that got straight A's", I told him.
"Then how did you come to the conclusion about me wanting to be a child of Athena?", he asked, looking genuinely curious, now.
"See, I had a reason for believing that I could be Poseidon's offspring. I can swim really well. So assumed that your academics must've given way to your choice", I shrugged.

"Wow. That was just... Wow", he looked so dazed, I blushed.
"Word vomit", I said, I said sheepishly.
"Uh huh", he mumbled.
"Joe! Snap out of it!", I scolded.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm here", he said, eyes wide.
"Gods", I muttered under my breath.

"Leave that, but who says offspring anymore? Wasn't that like Shakespearean language? Are you 14 or 200", he chuckled.
"Shut up", I smacked his shoulder. He laughed loudly.

That day on wards, Joe and I started hanging out more than the 4 of us would. We would go to classes together, at least the ones I had with him. The rest of the classes I either had it with Maya, April, Isabelle or Ash. We had our meals together, spent most of our free hour together, did our home work together. You get the idea...

The time we spent together was invaluable. It helped me get over the loneliness of being the new kid. He introduced me to his friends, who soon became my friends as well. My liking for Joe blossomed into a crush. But I didn't want to like Joe romantically, scared that it would poison our friendship, or whatever you called what we were having.

But his body, hair and his eyes, oh Gods, they were not making anything easy for me. Neither was he. He would laugh for even the lamest jokes, help me walk over rocky paths (like, huh?), help me with my homework, take me on random walks and since I told him that I liked to swim, he took me to swim so many times. He also taught me how to play volleyball with more finesse, in his words. He was always there for me.

Even through sickness. He proved that too, when it was a fatal situation for me.

One day, Joe fell ill and he couldn't attend class. That day, during dinner, when I was arguing with Isabelle if Captain America or Iron Man was hotter (Captain America, duh!), Amina and Alisha Levine, who were sisters, came up to me.

" Hey June. About our project, can we just go to the shed and get our apparatus?", Alisha asked. I mentally scolded myself. I had completely forgotten about our project! But I didn't see the need to go get the things in the night...
"Do we have to go in the night? Like, it will be dark, not that I'm scared...", I broke off as I met the sisters' disbelieving stares.

"Ok. Let's go", I said shaking my head.
Once we reached outside, Amina said, "June, can you please go in and check if there are any rats?"
"To think they though I was scared...", I muttered under my breath.
I went in and suddenly behind me, the door was slammed shut.

"Amina?", I called out, slightly tensed, "Alisha? Is this a joke?. Please let me out!". I tried to break open the door.
I heaved at the door, pushing with my right shoulder.

Suddenly I heard a crunch. I let out a guttural roar as I felt a flare of pain ride up my shoulder. It was definitely broken. I tried to push the door with my left shoulder, but my right shoulder flared in pain again. I but down my lip not to scream again.

I tasted the metallic taste of blood as I walked to the door for one last heave. This time I screamed again. I leaned against the door as tears flowed down my cheeks and the pain in my shoulder refused to subside even a little.

Suddenly, I saw a light at the opposite side. I tried to push myself up with my left arm. After three tries, I was able to get on my feet. I tried to walk without moving my right arm much, it was impossible. My left palm was bloody as my nail bore into it. As I moved closer, a rat scurried over my shoes. I shivered, realising that now I was scared.

The light became brighter. As it became brighter, I realised that it was....

"FIRE!", I screamed.
I ran as far as I could from the fire, which was spreading fast. But the pain now brought blossoms of black spots in my vision. I could feel my body sway and threatened to fall. My vision slowly ebbed.

"HELP ME! JOE. APRIL. IZZY. MAYA. Ash...", I managed as the pain finally became a dull throb as I crashed against a shelf.
"I'm sorry"

a/n: hi it's me vreetie again haha hello ok bye please vote and comment :))

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