Illusions: Part 8

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After the previous night's heavy dinner and ruined sleep, because I had heard too many stories in one day to not think about them, I rushed in the morning for my first period - English. I completely forgot to make my hair, so it was still in a really messy bun and I was wearing my sport shoes because I-don't-know-why. I ran down the villa road not caring to look for passing cars. I reached the school, stopped for a few seconds to catch my breath and took off again. I cursed the empty hallways and tore up the stairs. Just as turned around the bend, the most cliché thing that could ever happen, happened. I bumped into a wall.
"Oh my gods", I muttered, swearing at myself for being such an idiot.
"Oh it's you, pretty girl", a voice said. I started.

Oh gods that wasn't a wall. That was Tony?

"You", I stated. He grinned.
"Yes, me", he said, still grinning.
"Ok, bye I'm late for class", I said shaking my head, trying to get past him. He stopped me.
"Well, so am I. So let's bunk class", he suggested, his tone matching the gleam in his eyes. All I could think was - Oh gods what is wrong with him - if I say ok I'll be missing English - well, its only one English period - why am I even considering it - JUNE THIS IS JOE'S SADISTIC COUSIN - and so I made my decision.
"You are staring. Is that good?", he countered even before I could give him my answer.
"What? No. No way! Oh my gods, you are such an idiot", I sighed. Such an idiot.
"I've been called that before", he grinned.
"Not that I'd be surprised", I told him, frankly. He pursed his lips in a mock annoyed way.
"Will you please come with me?", he pleaded. I frowned.
"No", I said.

"Why? What did I do to you?", he looked genuinely puzzled. I was about to tell him about the Joe thing, but that seemed a bit harsh, so didn't say anything
"See? So will you please come?", he asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets in that aw-shucks sort of way.
"Why are you so bent on getting me to skip class with you? Oh my gods, is this a prank!!", I almost freaked out.
"What? No! Why would you - ok never mind. The point is that this is not a prank. I just want to know you. I want to see what Joe saw in you. What made you so special", he looked a little dreamy. Now I couldn't hold it back.
"What would you care about Joe anyway? You never cared for him before, what's changed now?", I openly accused him. He just looked at me uncomprehending.

"What are you saying?", he frowned.
"Oh nice. Now you act like you don't know anything", I put my hands on my hips now, to make my stand clear.
"What are you accusing me of, June?", he said, with a little annoyance now.
"Oh yeah, nothing much. Just acting all crazy and hurting your cousin when he was going through the same thing as you", I made sure he heard the sarcasm in my voice.
"What? Did he tell you that?", he looked genuinely hurt now.
"Well, yeah! And how would you justify your actions?", I bore my eyes into his. But he looked a little lost.
"My Joe?", he asked, finally, his eyes wide open, his guard finally let down.
"Say what? Your Joe?", I asked incredulously.
"You know, just leave it. You can go back to your class", he shrugged, his hands in his pockets, already lost in thought. I just looked around. There was literally no one else in the hallway.

Is this the same Tony I was talking to a few minutes ago?

"Um, I can't exactly go back to class right now. Class started twenty minutes ago", I told him sheepishly.
"Then don't. Just leave me alone", Tony said.

I repeat,

"What?", I echoed my thoughts, "weren't you trying to convince me to hang out with you a few minutes ago? Here it is. I will hang out with you". Tony just looked at me and looked away.

Omfg June, now you're exactly like Bella Swan.
Yay! Not.

"Maybe I wanted to hang with you, but not anymore", he said, walking away. I frowned.
"Was it something I said?", I asked. Tony literally facepalmed and I think I saw a hint of a smile.

"I cannot even- Just leave it. I'm fine, you're fine, everybody is fine. And I'm going. Bye", and he walked away.
"What the hell", I muttered under my breath, "Thanks a lot", I said out loud.

I walked back down the stairs to take a walk, but I still couldn't comprehend Tony's reaction. Why whould he have reacted like that? Was he hiding something?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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