Illusions: part 4

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When Joe finally got a girlfriend, it both hurt me and shocked me. It hurt me because it wasn't me and it shocked me because it wasn't April.

Hehehe. Kinda funny, right? But I actually thought that if - if - he didn't like me, he would make a move at April.

Their exchanges might've been mock flirtatious, but I genuinely believed that they had a chance. Though I was head-over-heels for Joe right now, I promised myself that I would be happy for them.

But it didn't come to that.

Frankly speaking, I would have been happier if Joe was with April rather than who he was with now. At least if it was April, I could've still had a healthy relationship with Joe. But this girl acts like a proper, jealous girlfriend.

The girl = Carol Turner.

Carol Turner. Sometimes I wonder how a person with such good taste in friends could have such bad taste in girlfriends. If a were to give you a briefing on Carol, it would be this:

She is the most popular girl in the entire school.

She is really pretty, as in really pretty - she knows it and makes sure everyone else knows it too.

She is so stinking rich, you can smell her 10 miles away (cue her designer perfume)

She walks around with two stereotypical sidekicks - nicknamed Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

Not very original, I know, but there you go.

Well, though I hate to admit it, I was jealous of Carol. Not something new. Most girls were jealous of her. But the difference is that they were jealous that she could afford designer wear. I was just jealous that she had Joe.

I still don't get how he liked Carol?

Though he was with Carol, he didn't stop being my friends.

He still took me for walks. Sometimes.

He still came to swim with me. Sometimes.

He still helped me with my homework. Sometimes.

I couldn't really complain, because he wasn't committing any crime. He was just spending time with his girlfriend. But his girlfriend, on the other hand, couldn't be happy with what she had. She always wanted more.

Like I said, she wasn't happy with that 99·9% of Joe that she got. She wanted one hundred percent of him. I don't know if Joe knew that Carol hated the fact that I had 0·1% of him, but she sure was jealous if me too. That thought gave me a little satisfaction.

At least, she didn't dare to come and say anything in my face. Until one day.

Joe and Carol had been together only for a month when this happened. Joe's lunch was after mine and so was April's and Izzy's, so I was sitting alone.

Half way through my turkey sandwich, some smell started to itch my noise. I looked around to see where the smell was coming from.

Lo and behold, Carol was few yards behind me. I raised my eyebrows. She just smiled and sashayed till she was in front of me. But I was sitting on the grass and she was standing on her stilettos. I decided that I would cramp my neck trying to look at her and went back to my ever comforting sandwich.

She sighed and placed her book on the grass and sat on it. smh spoilt, rich kids.

"Hey June", she started.

"Hi Carol", I returned, startled by her presence itself.

"Ok. Enough. I'm getiing straight to the point. I came here to talk to you about Joe", she stated.
All I could think was,Oh no.

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