I'm running down a dark hall once more
Everything is in stark black and white
The curtains dance in the open windows
They move around like ghosts
I hear nothing only evil silence
My last memories are of wicked
I must move forward
The door at the end of the hall swings
A shadow is darkening the entrance
I feel malice hit me heavily
Unholy growls taint the air
The shadow streams forth
Before me stands a cloaked figure
It's smells of wet earth and shit
I look into It's coal black eyes and
visualize sadness,
It's clawed hand reaches for my face
I open my mouth and nothing falls from
my lips,
The figure forces me to look upon it
Memories flash through my mind
There I stand before your grave unfeeling
You wrap dead flesh around me
Blood tears flow unending
Fuck those tears
You reach for me
I back away hating
You ripped me into pieces unforgiving
Forgiveness will never be gifted
You shall rot in the hell you created
I will live on carrying sins forever more