Let us begin
I love hearing those screams
You are a drug
I enjoy drinking
I stumble dark streets
Searching for you
I need my fucking fix
Without you there is nothing
I hate the light
My skin tans perfectly
I watch demons dance across the screen
They wave happily
The words they mumble calming
I was made of darkness
It is my only gift
I am the pill whore
They are my release
The voices die instantly
One day they will be death
I will again find grace
The ones I love weep
I wish they could understand the pain
Voices scream their filth
The devil walks across my skin
He slices gleefully
I look down and laugh
Not much untouched skin left
Tattoos are imprinted heavily
I love the feel of needles
They go in and out
Their art bloody
They hold secretes
You will never know
I sin as each tattoo appears
I love the high
I love the blood
Judge me if you must
I don't give a shit
I've heard it all
Just know
When you stand before Lucifer
There will be no mercy
He takes joy in punishment
Torment festers into hatred
I will watch the beauty of his work
Laughing shall fill the air
Do you hear it bitch
I smile as you scream filth