*Prologue* This Is Not a Joke

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   Once upon a time my life was normal. Then the mirror in our basement ate us. Do you think I'm joking? Do you think I'm making this up? You do, don't you?

   You're thinking, Um, Abby, mirrors don't usually go ahead and slurp up people up. Mirrors just hang on the wall and reflect stuff.

   Well, you're wrong. So very WRONG.

   Everything I'm going to tell you is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I'm not making anything up. And I'm not a liar, or a crazy person who thinks she's telling the truth but secretly isn't. I am, in fact, a very logical person. Fair, too. I have to be, since I'm going to be a judge when I grow up. Well, first I'm going to be a lawyer first, and then I'm going to be a judge, because you have to be a lawyer first. That's the rule.

   But yeah. I am an extremely logical, extremely practical, and extremely un-crazy ten-year-old girl whose life went completely berserk after her parents forced her to move to Smithville.

   Still don't believe me? You will when you hear all the facts.

You will when you hear the whole story.

   Let me start at the beginning.

A/N: Thank you for all the supporters reading this 🙂 I have the whole series from 1 thru 6, so after the first book, I'll do the others.

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