*Chapter 2* ~ My Annoying Wake-up

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That night I'm dreaming about my old friends. We're playing tag the right way then someone calls my name.
"Abby! Abby! Abby!"
   I half open one eye. It's Jonah, my seven year old brother, so I pull my bedspread over my head. Sure, I love the kid, but I'm a growing girl. I need my sleep.
   Jonah yanks down the covers, presses his mouth to my ear, and says, "Abby, Abby, Abby, Abby, Abby, ABBY!"
   I groan. "Jonah! I'm asleep!"
   "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"
   Does he have to repeat everything a million times? There's a fine line between being persistent and being annoying.
   "Go back to bed," I order. I have been told that I can be bossy, but come on. Its the  .  middle of the night. Plus, it's my job as an older sister to boss Jonah around. I'm only performing my sisterly duty.
   Its also my job to make sure he eats his vegetables.
   At dinner, I caught him hiding his broccoli in his sock. So I told on him. Then I felt guilty and gave him half my chocolate chip cookie.
   "But the mirror is hissing," he says now.
   I squint at him. What? I don't even know what to do with that sentence. "Jonah, mirrors don't hiss. They don't even make any sounds at all. Unless you break tell them." Uh-oh. I sit up like a jack-in-the-box. "Did you break a mirror? That's bad luck!"
   "I don't think so." He does this weird twisty thing he sometimes does with his lips. "Well, maybe."
   "Jonah! Which mirror?" I swing my legs over the side of my bed. It better nit be my pink hand mirror, the one I once caught him using to examine his toes.
   "The big one downstairs."
   "Are you kidding me? The creepy one in the basement?"

I realize I'm shrieking, and I lower my voice so I won't wake my parents. "Why were you in the basement so late at night?" There's something odd about the mirror in our basement. It seems like it's watching me wherever I go. Like the eyes in that painting the Mona Lisa. But of course that makes no sense. Mirrors can't watch you. They're not alive.

   He shrugs. "I was exploring."

   I glance at my alarm clock. "It's eleven fifty-two!" My wrist feels heavy and I realize I forgot to take off before I went to sleep. I press the light. It says 11:52, too.

   Jonah shrugs again.

   Jonah is always exploring. It's amazing we're even related, really; we're so different. I like reading. He likes adventures. I like cuddling in my bed with a book. He'd rather be rock climbing. Seriously. Mom takes him to rock-climbing classes at the Y on Sundays.

   Patiently, I take a breath. I ask, "Did you see green?" because when Jonah was three, Dad got him a clock that changes colors. All night it stays red, and then at seven A.M. it turns green. Jonah is supposed to stay in bed until the clock turns green.

   But Jonah isn't that great at following instructions. Or colors.

A/N: Thank you for reading guys. Please let me know in the comment section if you are more like Jonah or Abby. Well me, I am a mixture of them. I would cuddle in bed with a good book, but I also love and really enjoy adventures. Thank you again for reading :)

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