Once upon in the South Side

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South Chicago 2006

The school bell rang. The kids kept their pencilcases and books, took their backpacks and left before the teacher could start setting the homework. The corridors of the school filled up with children's laughter and screams. Vic, Chad and Sarah greet each other when they gathered at the school door. A fourteen year old Vic did his hair while Chad openened a bag of chips while he rubbed his chubby belly.

''What's up guys?'' Vic and Chad performed their special way of greeting each other. First they gave five while they jumped, then they had to touch each other shoulder and finish with a brief hug tapping in one another's back.

''Ugh, Chad man, clean your hands next time. For me this is kind of sacred and you do it with the hands full of fat?''

''Sorry man,I'm hungry, I couldn't wait. Do you want some chips?''

Sarah observed their procedure with an impatient face as always.

''Why can't I have a special salute?''

Vic went and drove an arm above her shoulders.

''Because you're a girl,girls are not supposed to do that''

''I disagree''Sarah take Vic's arm way from her feinging to be offended ''By the way you've been friends with me longer than with Chad, we must have had a special salute since then''

''Hey Sarah. Don't be silly''

Sarah didn't answer.


''Guys I'm starving, could we go home now?''

''I'm going on my own'' Sarah said without turning back.

''What have I done now?'' Vic ran towards her. Sarah still reluctant to look at him.

''You are the guilty for everything''


''Yeah...I mean...You've changed this year...It was only us before Chad appeared,now it seems he's your new bestfriend''

''Oh, I get it'' Vic laughed''Are you jealous at Chad? Oh..That's why you've been acting so strange lately...''

''No, I'm not jelous stupid''

''So?''Vic waited expectant for her friend's answer.

''You wouldn't understand anyway''

Sarah turned around and headed to home without looking back.

''Girls are crazy'' said Vic to himself.

Sarah came back home. Her father was watching Tv and her mother was frying some piece of meat.

''Set the table Sarah''

''Yes mum''

Sarah left her backpack and jacket in the hall. She lived in an old block of apartments,just two streets away Vic's house. Her house were nothing like the one she used to see in the movies. She shared bedroom with her three month old brother and she nearly slept in the floor, an overused matress, some blankets and a night table with a lamp was everything she had. She used to do her homework in the kitchen table, only if she hadn't had to take care of her little brother, which meant she was never able to finish her class tasks. She sometimes wondered why she had been given these parents. They only cared about drinking alcohol, smoking and of course fighting. She was the one who had to sing her brother to sleep when her parents got drunk. She knew she had to stop playing, to stop meeting the guys. That's why she rarely saw Vic out of school since her brother had been born. Since the moment that unfortunate infant cried for the first time everything has gotten worse.She only could get rest when their parents fell asleep after screaming and fighting for thirty minutes. Sometimes even police cars that passed by stopped and police men slammed the door to see why screams were heard down the street. Once his father spent the night in a cell because he refused to talk to the police. Afortunately, she had gotten used to it.

Her mother put the fried eggs in the dishes.

''This is what you give your husband to eat? That's all you can cook with my money?''

Oh no,Sarah had a feeling that their parents were going to start arguing.

''If you don't like, don't eat it''

''Shut up bitch, you don't do anything good''

''I know, not even marry with you''

''I love you woman, more than anything but you are stubborn and I lose my patient easily''

''Yeah, you love me...That's why you sleep with every woman you meet''

''That's not true!''

Sarah screamed what made their parents shut up.

''And now what's wrong with you squirt?'' His father looked angry at her while he chewed eating like a pig.

''Please stop, you're gonna wake up the baby''

''Ha, and now you tell me how I have to take care of my baby?''

''He's my brother mum and I care about him''

''He's not your bother stupid''

''Why do you say that?''

''Shut up Barbara, she doesn't need to know now''

''What do I have to know?'' Sarah look to her father and from him to her mother, her heart was beating fastly in her chest.

''Look,I think you are old enough to know it, the sooner the better''

''Dad, what I don't need to know?''

''He's not your dad honey and I'm not your mum. We found you freezing in the street and your dad, well, Franky convinced me to take you home...God knows who mindless woman left you out there, you were lucky we found you''

Sarah felt the burning tears falling through her cheeks. Something hurt too much inside her chest, her entire life was a lie, her prays had no meaning now. She didn't feel like breathing anymore, it was better to disapear from this world, but the baby...well although he wasn't her brother someone had to look after him.

''But honey, don't worry, you can stay here until you finish school'' her fake father said before drinking from a bottle of beer''And the baby needs you''

''I need to get out'' Sarah stood up and closed the door. Then she cried, she felt a knot in her throat and the weight of the sour tears. She was alone in this world,except for Vic, she needed to tell Vic, she needed to confess why she had been so strange with him this year. How could a girl like her bare so much fear, pain,braveness and fear at the same time? How could she explain why she didn't want to be friends with Vic, the only true light to guide her in this world anymore? How she was supposed to know what love was?

Nobody But You-A Vic Mensa Fan FicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang