Chapter 25 >> Evacuation

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Before long, every cat in ThunderClan was gathered in the center of camp, staring at the sky. Uneasy murmurs rippled through the crowd, with an occasional hopeful remark.

What caught their attention more so than the end of the drought was the form of these clouds. They were not the common filaments of downy white or gray – these clouds were shaped like bubbles, an unearthly sight.

Even the elders, who lived more moons than Willowcloud and Frostflower put together, commented on the peculiar sky.

Meanwhile, Badgerstar remained atop Highrock, unmoving. His long pelt bristled ever so slightly. "Cats of ThunderClan," he raised his voice to be heard over the wind, gaining speed with each heartbeat. "This is no ordinary storm, thus I am ordering an evacuation of camp. Please collect whatever you can carry and gather below the Highrock."

His words were greeted with cries of protest and indignation. A small sort of chaos broke out among the Clan; warriors scrambled past each other and into their den, while Pondpaw and Fawndapple stacked their meager supply of herbs together for the move.

The black medicine cat apprentice caught her sister's eye and they exchanged a hollow look. They knew there was no more time to plan, to prepare.

Willowcloud's mother swept her away, and her father quickly joined the two. The mates were attempting to convince their daughter not to fret, that StarClan will not fail ThunderClan in their time of need.

However, the young warrior wasn't listening. Her head was spinning with the suddenness of everything.

There was supposed to be more time! How in StarClan am I going to save the Clan now?

Badgerstar rushed his clanmates, quickly grouping them. Both him and the deputy, Driftbreeze, took the lead as they bundled their Clan out of their home and into the forest, which was growing more hostile by the moment. Wind began to pick up, ruffling the cats' pelts the wrong way.

Willowcloud's stomach did a flip as Sunstrike padded up, jaws full of moss. His brother followed right behind. They acknowledged each other with a nod. Both them, Frostflower, and Pondpaw trotted beside each other in silence.

The Clan swiftly wove between the newly sprouting undergrowth, making their way to the abandoned twolegplace. Soon, its tall shape could be seen looming through the trees. Badgerstar ushered his clan inside, waiting until the last cats entered before joining them.

ThunderClan, the Clan of fierce warriors and proud cats, was reduced to the wide-eyed group huddled below the ramshackle roof. Most did not know of the magnitude of the storm. They only knew Badgerstar called for a camp evacuation – so it must be grave indeed.

The weary tom took his place at the head of the group. He was followed by every cat's eyes.

"I apologize for not explaining the current situation." He began. "What is upon us is a storm unlike that of which the Clan has seen before." His darkened amber gaze swept his Clanmates. This aroused sharp intakes of breath. Frightened expressions.

"However, worry not. We are ThunderClan. We will survive." He lashed his tail.

His words did little to relieve the cats.

"Now, let's get used to our new camp. I want the medicine cats and Fadedleaf to have the driest place ..." Badgerstar started the task of assigning spots for the warriors and others to make their nests. Fadedleaf, belly swollen with kits, was led by Ashpelt to her new resting place. All the while she kindly denied his help.

Willowcloud and her friends made their nests close to each other, against a shabby corner of the twoleg structure.

Worry gnawed at her stomach, a ravenous creature unwilling to stop.

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