Chapter 27 >> Without a Home

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Shaken, hungry, and cold. ThunderClan trudged through what once was their lively territory through transformed marshy ground and deep puddles. They had already visited their gorge, and to nobody's surprise, found it filled with murky water.

Now, under the suggestion of Driftbreeze and Badgerstar, the Clan found themselves heading toward WindClan territory.

"Their land is higher up, safe from the floods. And I would hope they allow us to stay until the storm passes." The old leader was looking worse for the wear. His pelt was shaggy and ungroomed, his sharp amber eyes now dulled. The others reflected his state. Everyone was drained from the recent events.

Willowcloud trailed behind in silence. She was detached from reality and in result, tripped on debris littering the ground. Her thoughts spun in circles, revisiting the accident and the image of Frostflower's body, now abandoned in the collapsed form of the twoleg nest. It made her sick.

Frostflower, her spunky and adventurous best friend, was now dead. Ripped out of her life forever, and crushed underneath the walls of an old twoleg den.

That I suggested we stay at.

Again, a rush of guilt.

Sunstrike padded at her side, though his eyes didn't dare glance over at Willowcloud. Like the rest of the Clan, words evaded them and instead they felt stunned into silence.

They stuck close together as they walked, while the winds howled fiercely through the trees and whipped branches from them like frail moss. As they neared the edge of ThunderClan territory, the Clan heard an unmistakable groaning. Fortunately, they were far from it as the ground suddenly shook beneath their paws and a crashing echoed through the woods.

Willowcloud froze, rain dripping from her whiskers and fur. Her eyes grew to the size of saucers and she began to shiver. At her side approached Sunstrike.

"It's okay." He said. He pressed against her shoulder and gently nudged her forward. Willowcloud took shaky steps with his help.

Just up ahead through the undergrowth, there was a dull roaring. Badgerstar signaled a halt at the head of the cluster and pushed through the tall grasses. Everyone waited with worried expressions. After several heartbeats, murmurs began to ripple through the cats. 

A rustle, and then Badgerstar shouldered his way back. His gaze was hollow. "The stream..." He trailed off and shook his head gently. The cats watched him and cast glances to one another. Willowcloud could pick out the frantic voices of her denmates. They weren't used to seeing Badgerstar so helpless.

Driftbreeze raised her head to meet her mate's eyes. They shared a glance and the deputy cleared her throat pointedly. "What seems to be the matter?"

Badgerstar straightened his posture, lifting his silver muzzle to address the rest of the Clan. "The stream is flooded and the waters look quite violent."

Willowcloud could hear the defeated sighs of her Clanmates around her. On the other side of Sunstrike, a she-cat meowed. "We can't be stranded." Willowcloud recognized her as Birdeye. She lifted her gaze to meet the bluish cat's and was surprised to find no contempt there. Though she did notice her inch closer to Sunstrike.

Badgerstar shared a quiet word with Driftbreeze while the rest of the Clan muttered anxiously. Finally, Badgerstar spoke.

"We must get to WindClan, and no water will stop us." He waved his tail for his Clanmates to follow.

Willowcloud couldn't help but feel surprised as she swept her gaze along the once peaceful stream. Its waters tumbled over each other like frantic cats and splashed harshly against the pebbles. What was once an easy leap across would now result in a swim. She could only imagine what Frostflower would say to such a sight. She choked back a sob.

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