Chapter 5

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The next morning, Jason woke me up and Dick led us downstairs to dine with Bruce Wayne. Breakfast went by rather awkwardly, with the run-in between Dick and I that we've unanimously decided to ignore, and Bruce's lady guest eyeing up Dick. After it ended we hurried upstairs to change into our uniforms; Bruce registered Jason at our school, so he would be starting tenth grade today.

Once I stepped onto school grounds Daniel ran up to greet me with a, "Where have you been?" and a giant bear hug. A few tears leaked out when I realized how much I'd missed him in my absence. "Are you okay?" he asked me to get my attention.

"I'm fine now, I really missed you though," I pouted.

"Awe, I missed you too Em. Did you have a falling out with your mom?" he pursued, which led to me telling him everything from my mom kicking me out up until Dick's kiss, which he cooed at. Soon after I finished the bell rang, and we rushed to class. I was also assigned tutorials to make up for all the school I missed.

Lunch finally came around and after spotting Jason I dragged Daniel over to him. "Daniel, Jason," I introduced them when we were close enough.

"Hey kid," Daniel grinned at him causing Jase to glare a little.

"Yeah, whatever," he scoffed, grunting after I elbowed him in the ribs.

"Be nice," I murmured in his ear. Kelli, Barbara, and Dick also joined us, sitting down after being introduced to Jason.

"So, Emily, did you go on vacation?" Kelli inquired.

"You could say that," I said, glancing at Jason, willing him to keep the past week on the down low.

"Where did you go?" Barbara pushed, starting to get suspicious.

"I went to Texas, to visit my dad's family," I told the redhead.

"Oh yeah, and how did you meet Jason?" She continued on with her interrogation.

"He's my cousin, I've known about him for years," I forced out.

"Really?" she said, not believing a thing.

"He is," Danny piped up, "He used to go to her birthday parties when we were children."

"Aw, you got your little boyfriend covering for you," she sneered, making both Danny and Kelli uncomfortable. They must've gotten together during my absence.

"You can shut the fuck up acting like you know anything about her life!" Jason shouted shaking in his seat. I grabbed his arm and gently drug him out of the cafeteria.

"Hey, it's okay," I soothed in an attempt to calm him down.

"It's not okay," he seethed, "She should just mind her own damn business."

"Jase, it's okay, really. She means nothing, except to maybe Dick," I told the green-eyed boy.

"That's a lie," he scoffed, "The boy is in love with you, not her."

"No, he's just," I paused, searching for the right word, "Confused. Anyways, I'm crushin' on someone else entirely."

"Yeah, the Boy Wonder," Jason snorted.

I laughed. "He's beautiful isn't he," I sighed dreamily.

"Sure," he said, looking at me as if I were crazy, "Positively radiant."

"Shut up," I laughed, shoving his shoulder. "We should head back to lunch."
"Or we could not," he grinned at me. I laughed, shoving him again before towing him to the lunch room.

"And they're back," Barbara greeted us bitterly.

"Love you too, Babs," Jason sneered, glaring at the redhead.

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