11. Opening act

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Keyara's POV

"Hey Alex?" I said with a big smile on my face

"Hey Keyara?" He said copying me

"Can I go out on stage today, before the 5sos boys go on and do a little entertainment?" I asked chuckling a little bit

"Well is it appropriate?" He asked him and I have him that are you serious face.

"Come on you let Michael on stage nothing could be worse" I said being that sassy person that I am

"True, so I guess you can" he said a little uneasy, as I skipped out of the room.


I was ready to get on stage, I'm so excited I love entertaining people so much it is the light of my life.

"Are you excited?" Mason asked

"Duh, you know how much I like entertaining people" I said smiling at him

"Okay well it's time for you to get on, I love you and good luck" he said hugging me

"Love you too" I said before kissing his cheek and walking on stage.

"Hey everybody, I don't know if you know who I am but i'm Keyara I'm Luke's sister and I was adopted by Alex 2 years ago and I'm gonna do a little rap for you I hope you like it" I said laughing as I thought about the rap that I was going to sing

Well I wrote this song for the christian youth
I wanna teach kids, the christian truth
If you wanna reach those kids on the street
Then you gotta do a rap, do a hip-hop beat.

I gave my surmon a urban kick
My rhymes are fly, my beats are sick
My crew is big and it keeps getting bigger
That's cuz Jesus Christ is my nigga.


Hes a life-changer, miracle-arranger
Born to the virgin mom in a manger
Water to wine, hes a drink exchanger
And he died for your sins.

I preach the word, thats my gig
And I rhyme better than Notorious BIG
Other MC's.. I wish them well
But if you live in sin, you burn in hell.

Now I'm a pass the mic to my lovely wife
Shes a fly MC and the light of my life
So to bust a rhyme without further ado
Take it away Mary Sue!

Jesus Christ is my nigga...
Hes the son of the original G
And he was sent to Earth to elucidate the way that we should be.


Liiike if another MC says
"Your a freak!
You're a lame-butt rapper
And your rhymes are weak!"
I don't get mad and I don't critique
I forgive him, and turn the other cheek

I don't blaspheme and I don't brag
I don't cuss, and my pants don't sag
I do exude a little christian swag
And I'm proud to be... an American!

Jesus Christ is our nigga.
Let his light shine through ya!
Let His love pop a cap in your butt and say HALLELUJAH!

Jesus Christ is my nigga.
He's a homie MC JC UC?
He's a honest, caring, peace loving nigga
Like me.

If you do drugs and think your cool
You need to come, to sunday school!
Put those drugs in the garbage can
Stand up tall, you're a christian man!

"Thank you I hope that you enjoyed that because I did" I said while laughing.



So I updated!! That rap wasn't mine if you haven't heard it, it is called rapping for Jesus and it's on YouTube, it is hilarious so I would go check it out

~Keyara 🙃

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