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Nick wrapped me in blankets and held me to his chest as we sit on the couch. To say I was in shock was an understatement. 

My breath was ragged and a few tears kept slipping out. A glass of water was placed in front of my face. Taking a long moment to register that I was to drink it I slowly grabbed the glass from a black man with black hair and a mustache.

I slowly sipped the water before handing it back.

"Nick"whispered not trusting my voice.

"Hey you doing ok?"

"What was he?"

"I'm not sure your ready for this yet"


"Ok. So there are some people who have a hidden side to them. And it only comes out when they are scarred or worried or if they want it to come out. Now people like you and me can see them even if they don't want to be seen. Now not all are bad but some are and it's our job to take care of them.understand so far?"

"So like werewolves and vampire s?"

"As in changing wise yes but do they exist not really. Thats all you need to know for now. In the morning I'll take you to the precint to give your statement and you can meet who I work with.for now just try to rest.I promise I won't leave you."

"Pinky promise?"

We intertwine out fingers and he promises before letting go.I lean my head against his chest and try to block out the memory currently on constant replay.

Grimm- Sean RenardWhere stories live. Discover now