Chapter 13

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Ch. 21

By: Cutegirlmayra (I have a feeling a lot of people were confused by my last chapter XD Instinct Sonic is under the impression that Amy's Other –the real Amy- is currently whose in control of the body right now. Since she's merged, Instinct Amy is now just the regular reflex/behavior of Amy's body, she's not a 'personified' being anymore. But she does help the Real Amy know this and that or do something she needs to get done. They're perfectly blended into one being. So now, Amy has complete control over herself when she shifts into instinct form, cause they're one in the same with thought and desire now. Instinct Sonic conceives that as Instinct Amy being gone and away from him. And since he hates 'Others' he refused to mate with her. Does that make sense? Lol, he's not really in the right thinking, okay? But at least Amy is safe, and the Real Sonic knew his Instinct self wasn't a threat anymore. But Instinct Sonic is kinda mourning his loses, please tell me you get it now XD No, Amy's not dead. And with Eggman, GOODNESS NO. Some people have said some crazy things, but Eggman has a plan but it's not what you're thinking, TRUST ME. Ew, no. sorry, I felt I needed to help some people with that. This is long, wow, okay, back to the story!)

Tails had agreed to leave Silver and Shadow behind to hurry and book it over to Amy's house, terrified by what he might find.

He saw the door was unlocked and swung it open, "AMY! SONIC!?" he looked around, turning on a light before hearing a growl.

Sonic was laying down in the nest, curled around Amy who was fast asleep, as he seemed to just be wary of Tails's presence now.

"Oh no... Oh no, no, no.." Tails walked over slowly, not even caring that Sonic was spiking his spines up, warning him about coming closer...

He dropped to his knees, about to just lose it at failing them again when he noticed Amy looked fine, and her clothes were still on, and Sonic wasn't acting dominant over protecting his, what Tails thought, should be 'mate'.

"...Wait... You're not.." Tails noticed Sonic was actually being rather docile. Not that the growling wasn't scary enough, but he wasn't getting up from laying down, nor was he charging at Tails, as if ready to kill him.

It was all warning signs, and Tails realized something was slightly off.

Taking out his MilesElectric, he spoke into it, and had the grunts come out to try and communicate, for the first time, with Instinct Sonic.

"Is she okay?"

Sonic huffed within his throat, moving his head back and down in surprise, staring at the device.

Tails tried again.

"Is Amy safe?"

Sonic shook his head, unable to process what he was hearing due to shock for a moment as he stood up a little, just on his front arms, and moved slightly back, but still protecting Amy.

Tails sighed, "He wouldn't speak to me even if he wanted too..." the machine still translated his words into grunts.

..Well, you are right about that.

Tails looked with wide-eyes at the screen below him, showing him the translation of Sonic's words.

He let out a shocked laugh, "This is amazing..."

..If you say so. I find it rather annoying... but at least I can understand you. I'll make an exception to you just this once. But do not attempt to harm Amy.

Instinct Sonic willingly spoke, still broken from believing his love was gone, and had really nothing more to lose besides his pride.

"I..I wouldn't dream of it... actually..! While I can talk to you... I want to say... how sorry I am.. For everything I put you through, I truly, sincerely, am sorry! I didn't realize what you were and I panicked to try and save my friend... please forgive me." Tails was finally able to apologize for his cruel experiments on Instinct Sonic, when he had no idea what he was. He lowered his head, feeling the sorrow build up as Instinct Sonic listened to the recited translation of his words.

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