Chapter 8

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Ch. 8

By: Cutegirlmayra (I didn't realize how LONG this story was xD sorry about that... but maybe that's why the chapters are short? Eh? Anyway, I have a lot planned, and after Silver's Arc is an AMAZING twist so please, stay tuned! :D However, please remember I'm also updating other stories ALONG with Instincts, so if they come out slower than you like, please keep in mind that other chapters for other stories are being written/submitted and that's why it's taking so long. Also, mission coming up, so I may not even be able to finish this and then you'll have to wait 18 months for me to get back x-x either way, we can get through this together. Here's another chapter! :D HOLY MOLY, THE HISTORY OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG JUST ARRIVED AND I REALLY WANT TO READ IT! TELL ME YOUR SECRETS, SONIC. 0-0 –drools over endless information and the knowledge of personal interviews that could lead me to some great enlightenment about Sonic and his friends, plus his world and the workings of Chaos and such.- .... Gotta run! EDITED: No longer on my religious mission, completed faithfully :)b That being said, still combining and editing, while working on Original stories as well as finishing Tumblr Prompts -DO NOT REQUEST ANY PROMPTS, SHUTDOWN, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE- And now, to continue the revamping for season 2! If ever that comes XD Also, the book I mentioned was totally biased, do not recommend XD Overall, I'm really excited to say I think I made this chapter ten times better by the edits! 3 :Db)

Amy went back to her house as the men stayed behind with Tails, hoping to rest at his place to ensure that no 'instincts' would be triggered by Amy's scent. However, Tails was still worried if the boys would shift and fight amongst each other.

Plus, leaving Amy alone... wasn't that what they were trying to avoid in the first place..?

But... she had to go.

It was a den of complicated concepts, she needed time to process it all thoroughly out in her mind and most importantly, in her heart, too.

Was it that dangerous to ask for a momentary 'rest' from it all?

Unlike last time... she would try and not be hasty about seeking aid again.

Amy closed her door, worried about being alone but having thoughts of baby fever on her mind. Sure, she had thoughts about kids as a playful daydream, but this... this was odd. She turned around and sighed longingly, liking the idea of being a mother one day as her back slid down the door, her thoughts temporarily of joy, until she was painfully reminded of the horror of possibly not consenting while in instinct form when it happened...

With her butt hitting ground level, she could still feel her heart slipping further and further down... Were they really just... a primitive split between humanity and animalistic tendencies? It seemed to be crushing her hopes, having never heard of this before.

She covered her face with both hands, not liking to think of having a family as suddenly now a bad thing. However, right now... it was kinda hard not to.

She couldn't help but remember what happened while she was in instinct form... it was all confusing and yet, starting to make sense? If that was even something she wanted to admit at this point.

Was this why Sonic was always so against domestic living? It probably had nothing to do with it, but she could somewhat understand his aversion to dates or showing affection now... He was never rude to her about it, he just... seemed to constantly avoid it or shyly dismiss it.

"Ohhh... why is everything I hold precious suddenly turning into 'that's a bad thing' lately..." Even Sonic...

She shook her head at such thoughts, even if they were just in her head,... did everything she love and hope for... suddenly turn into a fear against her?

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