Chapter 7

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Ch. 7

By: Cutegirlmayra... (Regrettably lol I really don't want to do this but I have too! I wish I didn't start this STUPID STORY! Every time a climax in a character's arc like this comes up I'm gonna be a WRECK. I CAN'T- -jumps head first with my arms to my sides out the window and breaks the glass- Anyway... I'm probably rushing... kinda like I did the last chapter and rushed passed the kissing scenes for this one -_-; to my own defense, it's my story, and I don't really like the idea of anyone kissing Amy besides Sonic so there! xAx -Edited note: before edits, I definitely didn't rush this time around T/v/Tb these are tears of shame lol.- However, I might as well get passed this chapter so I can move on to the other fun stuff I have in mind... Like Silver's appearance! -Edited note: Where I just start the whole issue again!? lol- So,.. enjoy you Shadamy lovers out there XP Are their instincts really themselves? How so? This is the exciting end of 'Shadow's arc!' I hope you enjoyed it and were utterly and completely surprised by the new twist in fates! Stick around for-

Silver's Arc!

Coming soon! :DDDD -Edited note: Or right now cause I'm combining the chapters lol- So much fighting... so many things that need to be said, ugh, I love the drama~ I'm just happy half of what I worried about is over, but... there's still stuff to worry about later on.. BDB nuuu! Anyway, I think I will have fun writing this chapter, hopefully, and you will enjoy reading it too :) I'll uh... try and make these chapters longer XP -Edited note: No worries on that now, right? XD- The mysterious Silver from the future has appeared! But is this great news? Or a foreshadowing of horrors to come!? And who is the man that's right for Amy? Or rather... right for the future?! Stay tuned for another chapter of Instincts! :D EDITED: No longer rushed but with added animal instincts from many different animals and not just Hedgehogs -though those are widely included and are the main source of 'instincts' for these characters- but I figured since they were well evolved..? Eh? Why not. Not like I'm leading up to Instinct Culture for Season 2 or anything... -sideways glances with an anime sweatdrop- Enjoy the rewrites~)

-Back with Sonic-

The desire to see Amy was unbearable, he tried to fall asleep on a tree branch without caring what time it actually was, but tossed himself over on accident as his emotions and thoughts raced with Amy, his Instinct trying to influence him through such feelings. Falling from the tree, he spread his arms out and cried out before landing head first into the hard ground. Lose dirt sprayed up, and in his annoyance at not being able to sleep this off, he rubbed his head into the ground as though hoping to get the message across to his inner-demon that he would rather eat and smell dirt than find and hurt Amy. He didn't want to admit he worried about her, that he wanted to check up on her, and that seeing and speaking with Tails wasn't enough... He continued to roll about, gripping his face as he did so. "Ah man..!" He had never felt anything pull him so fiercely to Amy's side before. He felt his body toss himself left and right, not knowing why, but seeming to mimic what his instincts thought Amy was doing right about now...

Probably in heat... probably being watched over by... by...

His eyes opened in terrible pain at thinking that another man was looking out for Amy... and couldn't help but not trust it. His lips pulled in as his eyebrows narrowed, he didn't want Shadow there... he wanted to be there... but he couldn't... then Shadow shouldn't be there either!

He gripped his head again and threw his legs up as he tossed himself left again, "Gahh! Make it stop!" he pleaded, his whole body fighting the urge to go to her, not caring about the danger that presented itself.

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