Chapter 15

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Ch. 23

By: Cutegirlmayra (-play the opening chant of Circle of Life- A BABY IS BORN. Lol, here's his picture~ cutegirlmayra. deviantart art/Data-from-instincts-1-colored-485215787 And cutegirlmayra. deviantart art/Data-From-instincts-2-colored-485216500 . Just take away the spaces :3 SO! The Baby is yet to be known by our little gang and isn't even named yet. Being raised by Eggman, however,.. can't be a good thing. I designed his clothes off of Eggman, but changed the yellow square's of his designs to belt buckles. I took Shadow's type of red stripes on his quills to his own, but his quills are more like squished in or crunched up, very crooked like. Silver's white fur and aura marks are on him, but with Sonic's blue coloration. Lastly, we have Amy's dark green eyes and her three quills, but their crooked up and still bear resemblance to his own back spines. I'm really proud of how my sketch and coloring turned out :) I have a feeling you're all going to love Data (the baby), so please! Stay tuned! :D because we're not exactly sure if THIS is the baby Silver forewarned about...or is it?)

Amy had fully recovered from her surgery procedure and was right now trying to enjoy being outside again.

She still desperately tried to forget about the horrible wrong Eggman had done to her, even if he tried to justify it by not leaving her 'completely empty' it was still terrible and Eggman must of known it too. But she was trying to forget that sad fact and look to another one, which was why Tails wasn't allowing her to see Sonic, Silver, and Shadow as of late...

As she moved through the forest, mating season being over, she took a big gust of air in and starting thinking how much her life has changed over just 2 years.

'...I wish it never happened...' she began to think, letting her hands trace the sides of the bushes and flowers as she walked by, looking quite depressed it seemed, and longing for the past again. 'If none of this happened... we'd still be happy-go-lucky people, without a care in the world... but I can't keep dwelling on what's happened. I'll never smile again if I do, and that's no good.' She stepped out onto a path, having gone off the road through the forest just to be alone and explore a bit, even if she knew the forest pretty well.

Looking down, she tried to make herself bright and cheerful again. It wasn't like her to be sad all the time, and so she was trying to find hope for happiness once again, a trait that had helped not only her, but her friends, through the darkest of times. 'I can't help what has been done, or regret on things I wished I would of done... all that matters now, is how I handle the future.' She looked up to the sky, and closed her eyes, taking in the wind.

"I just have to find my happiness again." She spoke out loud, and continued down the path some more.

-Not so far away~-

"Hold the head, Cubot!"

"Errr.., it's hard! He keeps on, emmm, squabbling!"

"Baby's don't Squabble, they squirm. You're thinking of the wrong word, now, give him here."

Cubot and Orbot were taking care of the little baby, holding him and feeding him with a bottle they made for him as he began to drink it quite fast.

"Boy, this kid has some appetite!" Cubot exclaimed, watching the bottle become completely empty as the baby chugged it down in seconds flat.

"Something he undoubtedly inherited from one of his fathers..." Orbot rolled his eyes, thinking of Sonic's love for chilidogs...

"He didn't inherit... I GAVE him the traits he ended up with."

Eggman's grumbly voice rose up from in front of them, as he was sitting down and typing things in on his computer, readying something he had created for it's test run. "I didn't really look at what I was giving him, though. So he could, undoubtedly, have genes from those four we don't even know about." He spun around a bit to look at the two, as the baby started crying, and Orbot bounced him in his arms and tried to coo him to be silent.

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