"You're cute when your drunk"

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   It was a Friday night and you were invited to a huge party at one of your best friends house in LA after performing with your band at a local bar in Downtown LA. Your band wasn't the most sucessful yet but the music industry was a tough competition and you were slowly getting more popular as time went by and this party could be your big chance to meet other more popular bands. 

You walked up to the counter of the small indoor bar with your friend Jack by your side offering to  make you a drink, you nodded and sat down on one of the stools and watched intriguingly at him as he mixed the cocktail. He turned around and slid it toward you, you took a huge gulp feeling brave and cringed because of the burning in your throat but smiled devilishly and finished the drink pushing it back to him signaling for another. He smiled slightly and continued mixing the next drink for you. After about five times doing this you felt really light headed and happy, like you could dance around the room but not feel your body at all. It was a good feeling, you got up from your chair and disapeered from the room not really aware of what was happening. The last thing you remember was a hand grabbing your arm and pulling you back up, you smiled but almost fell over again so the person helped you up again and then everything was a blur after that.

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  You woke up groggily and the light blinded you as you peeked your eyes open, you felt your head throb and sighed in pain. You sat up suddenly now realizing that you were not back at your apartment, but you were also not expecting to hit your head on the bottom of a bunk bed. 'wait a bunk bed' you thought oddly rubbing your head from the pain. You heard a voice in the background, " No, I think she is still asleep." I heard from a voice that was oddly familiar to me. You were curious now and tried to quietly get out of bed, your hair was a mess and you were still in the clothes from last night. You were looking around your surroundings and saw a laptop and a snapback on the table next to you, then you looked back around and literally almost had a heart attack as you saw Josh Dun standing right in front of you. " OMG, jeezus christ!" you said putting your hand over your heart and heavily breathing. He walked towards you and looked shameful and worried, " Oh I'm sorry, I didnt mean to scare you," He said back still watching me as I tried to calm down. 

" Josh, what happened? Why am I in front of you, I mean this is probably the greatest day of my life but I'm so sorry if I caused trouble." I said feeling guilty and yet excited. " Oh its fine, I was just helping you out because you were really drunk last night." He said blushing slightly, " You're cute when you're drunk". I started blushing like mad and smiled, " Are you kidding me, I was probably the most annoying, ugly, clumsy person there. But thanks" you tried to comb through my hair with my fingers so you seemed more presentable. He got up and came over to sit next to you, he looked nervous and smiled at you. " Hey I know this is going kind of fast and you may not even like me but can I take you to lunch sometime?" He asked hopeful. Your jaw dropped and you just nodded continuously. He closed your mouth and started moving closer to you and he gently kissed you causing you to blush redder than a tomato and you placed your hand on his jaw and pulled him closer as you two enjoyed your first kiss just as Tyler walked in with Jenna completely surprised.

Tyler just smiled and wrapped his arm around Jenna, " I ship it," then they both walked out of the bus leaving you and josh alone again. ' This can only be good' you thought staring into his beautiful eyes.

Josh Dun ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now