Chapter 1

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I study the sharp metal knife that I'm twisting in my hands. I am wearing black skinny jeans, combat boots, a white shirt that reads "There's No God That Can Save You From Me" with a black jacket, I have some bracelets with spikes covering scars that lay across my wrists. I look up at the sky to see that it has begun raining. I sit there with my back against the tree watching the rain fall from the sky. I don't feel like moving so I stick my black beanie on with my hood on top. Suddenly I hear a door slide open and a voice calling my name

"Jade! Come inside. It's raining and you'll catch a cold"

Me being the one who does the opposite of what she is told stands up "Nah, I think I'll stay out here Uncle Si" she shrugs and shuts the door.

For those of you who are wondering, yes, I did say Uncle Si, I am neese of the one and only Simon Cowell. Most of you would think 'Wow! She is so lucky' and others would think 'Oh my glob! She gets to meet One Direction!!' Well no, I am not lucky, and no I do not get to meet One Direction. Well actually I could if I wanted to but the thing is. I hate One Direction. They are so peppy and nice! That is not my style.

Go ahead gasp in horror but the truth is if you where me and had the same personality you would hate them too.

I put my hand on the tree as I carve my name into the bark with my other hand. I finish and turn my head towards the tree house on the far right of the yard. I walked over to it the rain piercing my jacket. The cold drops of rain running down my arm. I try to climb the tree but slip, and me being me forgot to put the knife up. I slide against it.

I stand up quickly and put the knife up. I lift up my shirt and see that there is a long cut just under my breast. I pull my jacket off and run inside. Being caught up in the blood seeping through my shirt I bump into someone. Sorry Uncle Si-" I say as I look up and see that it is indeed not my uncle Si but one of those stuck up goody goodys. Liam I believe.

He smiles and I say "Never mind. Move out if my way nube" He frowns but moves. I hear a mumble from one of the others.

"A please would have been decent" I walk up to the curly haired one who had mumbled. "Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your delicate little feelings. Well pretty boy, how about next time you tell your friend to move out of my fucking way. Get it? Got it? Good." I say. I turn on my heels and run up to the bathroom. I grab a towel and clean the blood.

I change into a new plain white shirt and my black hoodie and grab the towel covered in blood. I run down the stairs. I see the maid sitting on the couch smiling widely at the 5 boys sitting on the couch across.

"Hey maid! get off your lazy ass and clean this will ya?" I throw the towel at her. "Yes ma'am" she says and runs off. I jump on the couch into a laying down position and pull my knife out.

"Would It kill ya to be a bit more nice?' asks the blonde one. Ugh! They are so annoying. Why can't they just shut up and mind their own business. Just sit there and be quiet like the good little boys they are

"Would it kill yall to shut up and leave me the fuck alone?"I growl. The one with light brown hair and blue eyes speaks.

"Look little girl you need to be a bit more nice to us. Do you know who we are? God someone needs to teach you some manners!" I stand up and jump over the table knocking stuff down. He stands up and we are in each others faces

"Look this is my house and you coming into my home and telling me what to do is not gonna work" I point the knife at his neck "and yes, I do know who you are. You are a band of stuck up goody goodys so you have two options. Either you shut up and sit your preppy ass down or this white couch is about to be red" He gulps and I hear some keys drop on the counter.

"Jade! Sorry boys I see you have met my lovely niece." They nod and I go back and jump on the couch. He looks at me nervously

"Out with it Si. I know you have something to say. I can see it in your eyes" He walks behind the couch where the 5 revolting boys are sitting and turns to me.

"Well Jade, I know how much you love these 5 boys" He says sarcastically and I laugh "Define love" he smiles. "Get to the point Si"

"Well these boys are now going to be staying with us" I stand up way to quickly and almost fall "What?! Hahahaha You are way to funny Si" His face is serious and he is not laughing

"wait are you serious?!" He nods. "But wait theres more!" I groan

"Liam will be staying in your room due to only having 4 rooms cause of construction" I groan again

"Why are you torturing me!" He smiles "Well I have to run off!" He says grabbing his keys and walking out. I make sure that he is gone and look at them. They look at me I smile evily at them "This is gonna be fun"

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