Chapter 6

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*Liams POV*

I grab the keys as quickly as I can.

and fly out the door bumping into someone "Sorry! I'm so sorry" I say as I practically run down the stairs.

"Woah! Slow down Li! Where are you going?" It's Madys voice and I stop as I turn to her.

"I. Think. I. Know where Jade is..." I say in between breathes. Her face turns serious.

"Oh. My. God..." She can barley get the words out as she walks towards the car.

"We have to go now!!" She says. I move towards the car as well and get in. I drop the keys.

"Fuck..." I swear as retrieve the keys from under the seat.

"Never heard you curse..." She says. She sounds so sweet and innocent.

'Snap out of it Liam!! She's taken'

A tiny voice inside my head speaks. I push all these thoughts to the back of my head and focus on one thing. Jade.

"How do you know where she is?" Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts

"I called her. I had been worried about her. We have to get to her soon. She told me she was going to die. I think she might have gotten into a horrible accident." I say with worry in my voice

"How long until we get there?" She asks and her eyes meet mine.

"She lost her Memory...She doesn't remember anything...she was being nice..." I trail off.

"Oh poor Jade..." She says and she sounds so innocent.

Stop it you like Jade remember and now that she doesn't remember anything you can start over. I say to myself.

"I hope she is fine. Let's hope she's okay..." I say nervously.

She smiles confidently at me "I'm sure she's fine." She reassures me. I can't bear to ride with her any longer. If she keeps this up she'll drive me insane!!

'She has a boyfriend Liam. Just drop her off there.' I decide to drive to the guys house and drop her off there.

We arrive and she looks at me confused. "Why are we here?" She asks. "I'm going with you remember?! To pick up my best friend who is possibly dying while you are wasting time here!" I see the door open and a sleepy Michael walks towards the car.

"Hello babe" he directs towards Mady. She looks at him and smiles sweetly.

"Good Morning Michael." he looks at me and smiles sheepishly. I lean over her to open the door for her and look away.

"Go." I tell her but she stays put and I grow slightly annoyed. "Mady. Go now. Please. You can't go with me." I look at Michael "Don't let her leave." I look at her one last time. "I promise I will bring her over here as soon as I can."

She remains seated and doesn't look like she's going to move on her own. "Michael. Please take her" He looks at me strangely but does so. He picks her up and carries her to the house.

"Liam!! What in the hell!! Michael!! Put me down now!!! I swear if you don't!-" her screams disappear behind the now closed door. I let out a sigh in relief and shut the car door.

"That was fun" I say my sarcasm showing. I stare at the road for a couple of minutes and wonder if all of this. Everything I am doing is worth it. What if in the end she starts being cruel again. The slightest mistake and all of these things I am doing will go to waste..


'You are being a jerk. It's all her fault...She has injected you with her poison. This is all a trap. Walk away now and pretend that nothing happened. She's destroying you from the inside! LEAVE NOW!'

I shake the thought as shivers crawl down my spine like a snake slithering down my back. "I'm going completely insane." I drive off and onto the road.

*Minutes Later*

I arrive and look on the side of the road. There is a motorcycle on the side of the muddy road. Torn in pieces. "Oh god..." I run to the house quickly and stop. There is a trail, or should I say river, of blood on the ground leading towards the window.

I walk slowly towards the window and see that it is broken. I walk to the door pull a key out and unlock the door. I barge inside and see that the trail of blood continues. There is a small puddle here and there. It leads towards the stairs and I go up the stairs quickly and look for more blood.

There is a white door with blood painted all over it. There is a hand print, made with blood of course, smeared sliding down the door. By the looks of it she has been losing way to much blood. "Jade...?" I call hoping for an answer.

Nothing. Nothing but silence. "Jade...?!" I call out again asking for an answer. I walk slowly towards the room and push the door open slowly. Although I have not opened the door all the way I could see the blood massacre. "JADE!" I barge in and I could feel the tears in my eyes.

I run over to her and hold her. I hold her close to me. Nothing matters not even the blood smearing on my shirt. "Jade....please..." I finally release the tears that where gathering in my eyes. "Please!!" I scream and no answer. There is nothing in this world that could separate me from her right now.

"Please....please...PLEASE! She needs to get to a hospital..." I lay her on the bed as I take off my shirt and press it against her wound.

*Jades POV*

I feel movement under me as I flutter my eyes open "Uhh..." I groan as I open my eyes completely. I find myself staring at a shirtless boy.

"Umm...who are you?!" my eyes full of fear and my breathing getting heavier by the second. I look around. I am terrified of this stranger. Of what he was going to do. Of what he is going to do.

"Where am I...?! Why are you shirtless?!" I ask confused. He looks more confused than I do. "Please...don't hurt me..." I crawl to the end of the bed away from him only to wince in pain.

"You don't remember anything?? Do you know who One Direction is??" He asks. I search the memories in my head and can not seem to find one. Not of him or this so called One Direction.

"What's One Direction?" I hold my side where a shirt is covering a wound. I look at his exposed chest and now I know why he has no shirt on.

"One Direction is a band. That your Uncle Si manages" he looks at me like I am supposed to know him. "I'm in it. Liam Payne" He scans my eyes looking for any sign of anything.

"I am sorry Liam I do not know who you are. I don't know what happened and I don't know what's happening. All I know is that I need to cleanse my wound and take a bath and change. Does the water here work?" I say and smile weakly.

"Umm...Yes! You look weak. You have lost to much blood. Here let me help you and I have clothes for you. Would you like them?" I nod

"Thank you" I say and edge towards the other end of the bed. And get up. I stumble and fall to the floor. My messy bun comes undone and my hair cascades over my shoulders. "Owww..." I groan in pain.

"What happened??" He rushes towards me and falls next to me setting the clothes on the bed. "Let me see." He asks for permission to lift up my shirt and see. I nod.

"Yes. You may" He lifts up and his warm hands feel around the wound and any place it hurts. I wince when he reaches to the long cut on my side.

"I'm so sorry love" He says and I look at him. His eyes are so kind.

Then....Nothing...I drift off....into nothing...

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