Chapter 2

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I raise my eyebrows at them and they look at me nervously. I laugh

"Oh how I love it when people are intimidated by me" I turn around and head for the stairs and stop.

"Well!" they look at me confused and I turn my attention to Liam.

"Well! Do you want to know where your crashing or not?!" He nods.

"Yes please" I start walking up the stairs and he follows. He sets his stuff down in the far left corner.

"Thank you" he says smiling. I look at him disgusted.

"Dude. Seriously it amazes me how fucking nice you are" he frowns "Well...I'm just thankful that's all...I don't like being rude. Knidness is the key to a better life" he says grinning.

I gag. "Ok like seriously stop. You are going to make me vomit!" I turn around and go to my drawer and he follows.

"So um Jade. Where will I be sleeping if I may ask?" I turn to him accidentally knocking a picture over and making it fall on the ground. He leans down to pick it up and starts to hand it over to me but takes a look at the picture.

"Who is this? Is she your mum? Does she live here?" I feel a hot tear running down my cheek and my bangs fall covering half my face but before they do he sees the tear.

"Ohh. Ummm I am really sorry"

I grow angry. "I don't need your pitiful sorrow. Not yours or the other four. I know what you are trying to do. You think you can touch my heart by feeling sorry for me then trying to get close to me. You think you can change me and make me a better person, come into my life and be a part of it. Well guess what? I don't want it. I dont want your sorrow. Just because you live here doesn't mean you have to be a part of my life." He looks down

"Get the fuck out!" I spit the words out and they inject into him like poison. I snap the picture from him but he doesn't budge

"Fine if you won't leave I will" I push past him hitting him on the shoulder with my shoulder. I run out and for some strange reason I am crying. I run quickly to the tree house. It being my only escape. I climb the wooden ladder quickly and climb inside.

The aroma of old wood hits me. All of my memories are trapped in here. Ever since I was a little girl I had loved this tree house. My Mom, Dad, Uncle Si, and me had built this tree house. I go over to a box. I come here often usually to cut.

I open the small rectangle box. I reach inside and grab a picture. I sit on the ground criss-cross style. I find myself staring at a picture of the day this tree house was built. My Mom on my left, my Dad on my right, and my Uncle Si behind me. We are all smiling. My moms smile.

When my mom died my dad told me "Jade. You have your mothers brightening smile" I put the picture back and closed the box. I turned on a lamp hanging from the ceiling and lit some candles. I go to the window and look at the stars. They looked so beautiful and bright. I look down to see Liam in the yard looking around. I quickly blow out the candles and turn off the light.

He calls out "Jade! I'm sorry" I sit back. The moonlight strucking my face making it shine. Why does he keep following me! we just met and the guy won't leave me alone! I pull out my knife. I hear him call out again

"I'm sorry about your mum! im sure she would've never left you if she had control over whatever happened" and that sentence right there makes something inside of me snap.

*Flashback Starts*

"Mum? After you get better can we go get some ice cream with daddy?"

She laughs and tickles me

"Sure honey. Whatever my princess wants"

She kisses my forehead.

"Mum? Promise me You'll never leave me"

She smiles sadly at me and a tear falls from her face

"I love you Jade. I promise you I will never leave you"

I hug her tightly not wanting to let go

"I love you mum"

I fall asleep in her arms

*2 Hours Later*

I wake up yawning and look up at my mum. Her eyes are closed and she looks so peaceful. To peaceful. I shake her.


Her eyes remain closed. My mom is not a heavy sleeper. I panic.

"Mum! Mum!"

I shake her and shake her but her eyes remain closed. I look at the monitor beside her. The lines are no longer wavy but now remains a straight line. I start to cry.

"Mum! Please don't do this to me now! I need you! I need you here with me!" I shake her


The doctor and nurse come in and the doctor signals the nurse to pull me away. The nurse does so but I fight. Refusing to leave my mum


I kick and kick but the nurse is stronger. I see the doctor unplugging things.


The nurse pulls me out of the room but before the doors shut I hear the doctor say "She's dead Jade."

*Flashback Ends*

I open my eyes and realize I am crying. I take my knife and put it on my left wrist. I slowly drag it across my wrist as I take in all the pain. The pain comforting me. I put the blade on my right wrist and drag it across once more. The pain isn't bad but good. It comforts me in a way no one else can. It relaxes me and releases all the stress and erases all the painful memories from my mind. Although only temporary it's a good treatment.

I watch the blood drops run down my arms. They are like tears...tears of blood. They are like drops of poison leaving my body, But these drops aren't the only poison in my body...My whole poison.

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