Chapter 7

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I’m in a light room. There seems to be a bright light shining in my eyes. I can hear a faint voice in the background calling my name. A sweet smooth voice so deep and soothing.

“Jade...Jade...Come with me....I can protect you” It is the voice of a man. I would recognize that voice anywhere.

“Jade...Come on...You don’t need those boys or Uncle Si...I can protect you...” It was the sweet voice of my father. Slowly fading away.

“Jade...Come on there is not much time...” The voice fades and I look around finding myself in another room. I look at the couch and there is a teenage girl sitting on the couch.

“what in the bloody hell is this...” I say to myself. I walk in front to look at the girls face and to my surprise It’s me...I was staring at a younger version of me!

“Jade!! Come over here please my princess!!” I would recognize that voice anywhere...and that nickname...only one person called me mom...

The teenage version of me gets up and goes right through me. I jump as I startle myself.

“Hello sweetheart we must talk.” My mom says but she is not looking at the younger version of me. She is looking straight at me.

“I know you have recently met these 5 boys. Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and...Liam” Liam’s name rolls off her tongue like nothing.

“And you are like Luke I believe. Do not let Liam fool you princess. You’ve worked hard to try to get Luke” Liam...fool me?...

“Wait what do you mean he’s not what I think?” I spit out the words and the image fades.

“Jade!” I look up at a still shirtless Liam.

“What in the bloody hell! Put a shirt on!” I cover my eyes and look away. He moves towards me and smiles.

“Liam! GO!! PUT ON A BLOODY SHIRT!!” I yell and push him away. He pouts but does so. This is making me extremely uncomfortable.

I look for my phone and find it next to me. I unlock it and I have 147 missed calls.

“Damn...who could be calling me and be needing to talk to me so urgently and desperately calling?”

‘Well maybe if you checked your phone and stopped staring at Liam’s shirtless body you would know’

A tiny annoying voice inside my head shouts. ‘Shut up!’ I hiss and push the thought to the back of my head as I see it was Luke calling me like a mad man. I dial the number which I seem to know. Someone picks up immediately.

“Hello?! Jade!? Is that you!?” His voice sounds raspy and tired like he hasn’t slept mixed with a hint of weariness.

“I am still alive!” I say and wait for his response although I can not hear myself I know that I too may sound like I haven’t slept in days.

“Where are you? What happened?” He asks his voice now a little more calm but still raspy from the lack of sleep and exhaustion.

“Erm...I really don’t know? I am in like some wanna talk to some dude that just found me? I have no idea who this guy is all I know is that his name is Liam” I tell him and he lets out a sigh.

“This is not the time for games Jade let me talk to Liam” I hand Liam the phone and he takes it confused.

They babble back and forth and I sit there the pain no longer as strong.

*Several Minutes Later*

“Ok so...I gotta take you to Luke so if you would take a shower and hurry we can get there faster” He looks hurt and when his eyes meet mine he looks so innocent.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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