What's left behind

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Where did we go
Two different paths leading to two different stories
While I'm on the left path
You're on the right
I'm watching you leave
But there's nothing I can do anymore
I called to you, tried bringing you back to my path
But nothing worked
You're still walking away
Getting further and further
Making it impossible to get back on the same path
Where did we go wrong
I look back and see the crack
The fork in the road
Where we departed in our separate ways
I walk back,
Scared of what I'll see there
I inch closer and closer slowly
And that's when I see it
The reason you left
I fall to the ground, crying
Knowing that I'll never see you again
The reason you left, buried in my chest
I'm holding on to it, not knowing whether I should be upset or furious
I can't control myself and throw it
"Why, just why."

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