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You've been labeled right
We all have
Like I'm a guy
A tall black guy
But I've never wanted to be called that
And I'm sure what you're labeled as
You don't wanna be called that either right
So why
Even though we personally don't want to
We do it to others
We label them all different kinds of things
With all different types of labels too
And most of them being bad
Calling them by their race
By their sexuality
By their religion
By their ethnicity
By their gender
By all different kinds of labels
But did we ask if they wanted to
Most likely not
We never do
And that's why we label
And with those labels
There's history behind it
History that may be good or bad
But when people bring up that history
All they think about is the bad
Because it's like they say "f the good"
Those labels aren't good then
How could they be if we only think of the bad
But think of it this way
Think of everyone u label as a person with a name
Why can't we go learn that name
Learn what they want to be called and not what we see
Because what we see isn't always what we see
Our eyes are jokers
They're constantly messing with us
Playing with us
Toying with us
So why the hell do we always listen to them
Why the hell do we continually focus on what they tell us
It's not like they're perfect
Nothing is
But we act like they are
Act like what our eyes see is the truth
But it's not
We gotta go to that person and ask them
I'm not saying that our ears are any better
But why don't we give them a chance
They're way better than our eyes
Listen to what people say and not label them
Wouldn't that be better
Wouldn't you be happier too
Not having to care what people label you as
Care about what people see you as
Wouldn't you want that person to hear what you are
Something other than just a label
But something with a meaning
With a purpose

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