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What is it like
Being what they call normal
I've never been able to experience it
But if you think about it
Aren't I normal to myself
Or is it just because I'm comparing myself
Comparing what I am to what everyone else is
Shouldn't I be fine with me being my normal
Not anyone else's right
So why am I still weird even to myself
Is it because of society
Is it because of friends
Is it because of family
Or is it because I don't even know what I am
Because I don't know what I'll do next
Because I don't know myself
Is that a possibility
That I find myself weird because
I'm not myself
Or because myself is someone else
Don't that sound weird though
But even still
If I am someone else
Or me not being myself
Shouldn't that still be normal to myself
Or that other person I am
If I look at it like that
Is there something truly as spectacular as weird
Or is there even something as dull as normal
What if they both don't exist
That we just wanna be labeled
That we just wanted to be called something
Something other than by our race
Our ethnicity
Our gender
Our looks
Our size
But those are already labels
So why do we need more
What if we got rid of them
And were just people
Not normal nor weird
Not male nor female
Not this race nor that
Just people
So you know what
I don't care about being normal anymore
I don't care about being weird either
I'll just be myself
The myself that may be someone else
The myself that isn't exactly me but is me
Because I am me
And me is I
With a name
With a body
With a personality
With a...

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