Chapter Four

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Chapter Four 

The old, gothic structure loomed over me as I stopped in front of the school gates. It was eerily quiet and the chilly air that softly whipped at my skin had me shiver. There were only a few cars in the car park indicating I was indeed early. I couldn’t sleep properly last night so when the sun started to rise, my eyes were already open and Monday sneaked up on me. Now here I was, a little under an hour before students should start making an appearance.

The weekend was dull and lonely. I didn’t do anything thrilling unless you could count doing mathematical problems fun. I did watch a movie but I fell asleep halfway which also made me miss seeing my Father. He always arrives and leaves when I’m asleep.

 I hitched my bag further up my shoulder after taking a quick glance behind me. Then I stepped forward and made my way inside the school and down the empty corridors. I noticed a few students were sitting in various classrooms, studying. Of course they weren’t on the highest popularity scale on the schools hierarchy but none of that really concerned me.

 I made my way up the stairs, my footsteps echoing down the hallway as I walked towards the one place I always found comfort in. I stopped in front of the large wooden double doors, releasing a soft breath. I pushed the doors open gently and stepped into the school library.

 The first thing I noticed was the old lady behind the desk. She was the librarian with the stereotypical spectacles and cranky attitude. She only gave me a quick glance before continuing with the filing. She knew I was always in here whenever I could get the chance to be.

 I shrugged; perfectly content to not have any sort of conversation with her. I walked past the desk and admired the many bookshelves placed in columns around the large room. I ran my hand over the books as I passed by, my feet carrying me to the back of the library. I noticed only three students in here and they each had their heads buried in their books.

 I finally got to my corner of the library. It was the furthest from the librarian and no one really came here. But even if they did, they hardly noticed me since it was blocked with this large pole that covered me from their view. It was my favorite place in school. My sanctuary.

I dropped my bag to the floor and sat on the window seat that overlooked the back of the school. Tree’s surrounded the perimeter of the field leading into the woods. The weather was dull, murky and cold. I leant my head against the window as I stared outside. My breath fogged up the glass window and I watched as it disappeared till it was clear once again.

I heard someone cough in the background. It was most probably a student who caught the cold. I just hoped I didn’t catch one, the last thing I needed was to be sick. I felt my eyelids drooping from tiredness but the loud cough was repeated making me jolt upright. 

I frowned against the window. If my ears weren’t mistaking me, the cough sounded quite exaggerated. It sounded unreal and more like it was seeking for attention. I pursed my lips and that’s when I felt the feeling of someone’s presence near me.

I turned around slowly, almost hesitantly. For some unknown reason, I already felt like I knew who it was. It was a strange feeling. To know they were there without even having to look. So when I turned around and looked into a pair of beautiful, dark violet eyes, I wasn’t as surprised as one would be.

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