Chapter Five

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Hey my lovelies, 

I hope you all like this one, it's one of my favourites :) 




Those violet eyes were the first things I saw when I pushed the door open and stepped into the classroom. Nixie was right on my heel but she stayed hidden behind me. It was purposeful, I knew it was but I didn't comment. Time always tells the unspoken questions. 

"Miss. Thorne," he smiled at me with a nod. Simple gesture, that's what it was but it seemed a whole load more to my body. I had to keep the strange sensation in the pit of my stomach controlled.  It was his smile. It was infectiously perfect to me. 

"Long time no speak," I joked with a small smile. Okay, the words seemed to come out without me even thinking. I was actually joking and the way he chuckled lowly made it all worth it.

"Feels like that doesn't it?" he said. It was barely above a whisper but I was starting to realize that my hearing had advanced. I wasn't even shocked. I had passed that stage when I saw the Phoenix bow down in my presence. Yeah, it wasn't an everyday thing a rare fire bird did that sort of thing.

 A loud, purposeful cough broke my eye contact with him. Nixie decided then to make her presence known as she stepped beside me.

I looked at the students to see they were still walking in and getting prepared to settle down. Some were getting their notepads and pencils out and other's were on their phone for as long as they could while the teacher was distracted by something they didn't care for. No one cared in this school. Education wasn't a key since they were guaranteed a job in their parents businesses. I could bet they all had one to one tuition after school anyway. 

"Nix?" My head snapped back to Mr. Blaze as he addressed Nixie.

"Surprise!" she shouted with a massive grin. I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows and then back at Mr. Blaze. His face lit up and she looked like she was going to explode from happiness. Something in my heart ached. 

They know each other?

My thoughts were answered when they both met halfway and wrapped their arms around each other. They laughed together in the hug and I just stood there with a blank face. The class was murmuring about the new girl and her relationship with the teacher but I just stayed silent. 

I wanted to go home. 

They pulled apart only to laugh and hug again. I don’t know why there was this twist in my stomach, an uncomfortable knot tying me down ‘till I felt numb. I heard him say, “What are you doing here?” 

I didn’t wait to hear her reply. I walked around them and with heavy legs; I made my way to the back of the class. I pulled the chair out gently and sat down quietly. I placed my copy of Romeo and Juliet on my desk alongside my notepad and pen. Then I stared out the window, trying to ignore the heaviness of my heart.

 I could hear Phoenix’s giggles from here and each one tugged me into ache. He was making her laugh and I was sitting here watching the drops of rain trickle down the window in a race. The dullness and emptiness outside seemed to represent my mood perfectly. Strangely enough it seemed like the clouds were crying for me today. 

“We’ll talk later,” I tried to block out their voices. I did but my advanced hearing didn’t help in any way. I didn’t care anymore. He was a teacher who would be leaving in a few months and I didn’t even know him. That’s all he was…nothing.

“Alright class, we have a new student joining us and if you’re all wondering why I’m hugging my student well we’ve known each other for a long time,” Mr. Blaze’s voice held a smile. I continued to stare out the window. Despair washed over me till I felt drenched in it.

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