Chapter Nine

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My gorgeous readers, I've remembered to update early! 

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Thank you! And enjoy...


“So you’re telling me that you missed History, Art and Biology because you went into the forest, saved Leon’s life by calling your fire element whilst coming across a creepy person called Lucas?” Nixie raised an eyebrow as she summarized what happened a few hours ago. 

I had explained everything that happened from me bumping into Mr. Blaze in the hallway and then from us walking back from the forest. Once I got back into the school, I realized I missed Art and I was thirty minutes late for my Biology lesson. So I ended up in the library again. It was lunchtime now and I was still here and Phoenix somehow knew and here we are, catching up.

“Yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying,” I nodded, whilst leaning against the window seat. It was really comfortable, there were a few worn out cushions to lean on and it wasn’t too small- just perfect.

“How the hell did I miss that?” she exclaimed with a scowl. I gave a small smile as she stared up at me from the floor, leaning against the bookshelves with frustration clearly written on her face.

I shrugged.

“Well, at least it now seems you and Leon are getting closer,” she winked and I turned to stare out at the backfields, trying my best to hold back the blush that wanted to spread across my cheeks. The name still made my heart skip a beat.  I don’t know why the name had such an affect on me. It sounded hot.

“We’re not getting closer,” I denied.

“Yeah and I eat dog poop,” she rolled her eyes while I scrunched my nose up. I didn’t understand where she comes up with these things. But I couldn’t help my lip from twitching upwards into a little smile, even if it was disgusting. 

“You can be so weird,” I laughed quietly. We were still in the library but the whole being silent thing didn’t work back here; no one even stepped on this side. This section we were sat held the books of general knowledge and since my school was full of airheads, it clearly didn’t hold any interest to them.

“Thanks but seriously, do you not understand when he said that until you’re living, nothing can kill him. I mean come on, that is probably the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard!” she exclaimed, a little awe look flashing across her features. 

I blushed. Those words had been echoing ever since he left to teach a lesson. Yet I found it so unbelievable that he said that to me. Just thinking about it made those butterflies turn to dragons. But little old me was just not in his league, not even close to his standards. 

“But it’s too good to be true,” I whispered as I stared out the window. It felt so unreal, that only a few hours ago I was out there in the forest, witnessing a near death situation.  It felt like my whole world was turning into an uncontrollable whirlwind. There was so much I had yet to learn and there was this deep feeling in my gut that was telling me to prepare myself. 

Prepare for what? 

I didn’t know but I was going to find out eventually.

“Oh come on, have you seen yourself? You both look like royalty together…no pun intended,” she giggled to herself, her eyes holding a secret that revealed nothing. It made me frown, my mind not comprehending the joke. 

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