Chapter Eight

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My scream muffled into a noise that was hardly audible. His hand was icy cold so I felt the fire in me rise, heating my body up on instinct. His pale face formed a playful grin as I narrowed my eyes into slits.

I pulled his hand off my mouth roughly and muttered, “Lucas.”

“Aw Fiera! You remembered me,” he smiled fully, his perfect teeth on display. I shook my head at him. I couldn’t take him seriously when he was upside down on the tree’s branch like a monkey slash koala. He seemed so relaxed that I would have laughed if the situation were different.

“Look, I’m kind of in a rush so…” I started to walk away; down the path I saw Mr. Blaze head. I heard Lucas jump off the branch as the leaves made a rustling sound but his landing was stealthily silent. That wasn’t normal and I was starting to realize that life seemed to hold a lot of secrets from humans.

“Where exactly are you in a rush to?” he asked as he caught up with me. I kept my face forward, stepping over some logs before picking up my pace again. I had no idea where Mr. Blaze had gone and I wanted to smack Lucas for that. This was just bad timing. It was just my luck to come across him at this moment.

“None of your business,” I scowled up at him, which just made him smirk. His light blue eyes were so bright and full of mischief. I didn’t understand why I felt so relaxed with him though, there wasn’t a single thought in my mind that he could hurt me. Okay, so I could just burn him but still, there should have been a little caution in me.

“You’re in my territory now so it is my business. It couldn’t be a certain violet eyed man you’re following are you?” I stopped in my tracks feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. Here I thought I was being discreet and he managed to guess without any difficulty.

“No,” I lied anyway. Now my curiosity what spiking higher since I now know that he knew him or maybe he just saw him but I doubted it. Something about the way he mentioned Mr. Blaze sounded knowing. Lately it looked like I was unsure of everything.

“I don’t believe you,” he said.

I shrugged before walking past the trees. I was thankful for the rays of light; I would have probably fallen on the ground by now if it were dark. I was following my gut, taking the path in which I felt he had gone through. I didn’t even have a care that Lucas was walking with me. There was something telling me that I needed to see Mr. Blaze.

After about ten minutes of walking in silence other than Lucas making stupid noises, I heard a harsh grunt. My head snapped to the side where a small narrow path led to what looked like a small clearing. I looked at Lucas and held my forefinger to my lips, indicating for him to keep quiet.

He just smirked but his eyes were sad. It was strange the way his eyes would say something different. They spoke the truth and for some reason I felt a little dread creep it’s way up my spine.

I followed down the path before stopping behind a tree. I moved a little just to have a view of the clearing. It was beautiful with dark green grass reaching to your knees and flowers I couldn’t name but it was the man stood near one of the trees at the far end that had my whole attention.

“What is he…” my voice died as he suddenly ripped off his shirt. My heart drummed heavily as I took in his perfectly sculpted body. His skin looked so smooth, a natural tan glowing over his toned frame. He started to stumble to the middle of the clearing, his muscles on faultless display. I pressed myself further up against the tree to get a better look, a soft blush tinting my cheeks as I realized how handsome he truly is.

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