Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten 

My eyes were glued to the TV screen, as I lay sprawled across the couch with my legs resting on Nixie’s lap. We had decided to watch a movie after finishing off the homework that was due in for the next day. It was around half past eight in the evening and my Father was still not back. I had called over five times and each one would transfer to his voicemail.

I didn’t leave a message. 

“I’m getting hungry,” Nixie said and right on cue, my stomach grumbled in agreement. She raised a single eyebrow and I just smiled sheepishly before she shoved my legs off her lap. 

“I’m going, jeez woman,” I rolled my eyes as I got up and walked off to the kitchen. I had already seen the movie and I knew she never really had a chance to even have an ounce of normality so I didn’t make her help me out in the cooking department. 

I whistled a random tune as I made way to the refrigerator, not really knowing what exactly I’m going to make. I opened it up and my whistling came to sharp halt as I looked into an empty fridge. I felt my face form a frown as I realized I forgot to do the grocery shopping. 

“Oh for the love of god,” I groaned out loud before slamming the door shut and continuing to scowl at the refrigerator. I stood like that for a few minutes before walking to the small jar placed on the counter. I kept the food money stashed in there, my Father always left cash just in case and right now, it came in handy. 

I walked back into the living room to see Nixie sitting crossed legged, completely and fully engrossed into the movie. I smiled at the way she held the cushion against her chest so tightly that I briefly worried that her nails would tear through it. 

I heaved a sigh when I realized I was going to go by myself to the grocers this late at night. I hated leaving the warmth of my home to go out into the dark. “Nixie?” 

“Hmm?” she responded back distractedly. 

“We’ve run out of food so I’m going to head out to the shops, I’ll be back soon,” I told her as I grabbed my jacket that I had carelessly thrown onto the loveseat. I saw her lift the remote and press a single button, effectively pausing the movie. 

“I’ll come too then,” she said and before she could move, I started to shake my head in protest, which just made her frown in confusion. I slipped my arms through my leather jacket and zipped it up before stuffing the money in my pocket and patting my jeans pocket to make sure my phone was in there. 

“No, you stay here and finish watching the movie, the ending is epic! I wont be too long anyway, it’s not that far.” 


“No, you know you want to stay. Don’t worry about it, I’ve been doing this for practically my whole life,” I shrugged. 

“I know but it’s not safe out there Fiera, there’s things out there that are looking for us now,” she looked genuinely worried and I didn’t miss the way her hands shook slightly. I felt my own heartbeat increase the slightest bit but I pushed the fear down. 

“Look, I’ll message you every ten minutes and when I’m on my way back, I’ll call you okay?” I compromised and I saw the conflicting emotions flash across her features before she reluctantly nodded. I knew that I didn’t know half the danger that was lurking around but I wasn’t going to be imprisoned because of it.

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