Second Chances

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Hermione woke up and got ready for breakfast she had a big day ahead Professor McGonagall had asked her to come for some private tutoring so she can get the best NEWT results the next term, all the teachers at Hogwarts believed in her

She told Harry that she was going on a date with Ron
Harry looked at her "I thought that boat had sailed?"
Hermione didn't know what to say, things finally felt like they would be alright
"So did I Harry, and I have started to care for someone else."
"Snape" Harry knew exactly who she meant
"But that would never happen so I thought why not give Ron another chance" Hermione explained
Harry nodded "Its up to you, And I'm happy for you both, but I wouldn't say it will never happen with Snape he sent you a rose for merlins sake"
"He was just trying to make me feel better"

Later that day, she went to meet Ron by the castle entrance
But the happiness was short lived as she turned a corner in the corridors
And saw Ron and that Hufflepuff girl were kissing in the corner

She felt the tears starting to fall from her eyes and turned to run but she couldn't
Not because she was frozen in shock but because there was an obstacle
Professor Snape was stood directly behind her blocking her path
He looked down at her crying and his usually cold eyes looked sad
He grabbed her arm aggressively, to make it look like she was in trouble for something.
And pulled her down the corridor and into a cupboard

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him
"It's ok, I'm here" he soothed
She continued crying into chest, and he felt furious
" I would happily Hex Weasley into another dimension if needed"
Hermione smiled through her tears

"He really is not worth your tears you know" he told her
She nodded "I will never learn"
Snape brought a hand to cheek and wiped away her tears, he looked deep into her eyes
And gave her a small smile
"You're beautiful" he said softly "Much too beautiful to cry"

Hermione reached up and tried to push her lips to his but he stopped her
" We should not take this any further at this moment, there are boundaries" he smiled touching her lip with his Cold finger tip.
She understood and hugged him, "But for how long I can restrain myself is another question entirely" he chuckled in his deep voice

Suddenly she perked up and pulled away
"You know what? You're right, I do deserve better! And I've had better right under my nose the whole time"
Severus looked at her and smiled "Are you sure about that?"
"I've never been more sure" she smiled and left the cupboard with her head held high

Hey 'Mione!" She heard from behind her as she walked down the halls
"What?" She roared not noticing Severus watching through the small opening in the cupboard door.
"Are you ready to go on our date?" He asked bold as brass
"Fuck you Ronald, I wouldn't go on a date with you if you were the last boy at Hogwarts, go back to the Hufflepuff you were so busy with 5 minutes ago!" She turned and stormed off
Leaving Ron stood there looking like a fool, Severus enjoyed every second of that
'That's my Hermione' he thought to himself proudly

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