Pillow Talk

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After making love, Hermione and Severus rested on the blanket. Both enveloped within each other's arms. "I can't wait to marry you Sev." Hermione smiled proudly, "and I cannot wait to make you Mrs Hermione Jean Snape." He grinned. "Actually, about that... Albus told me that the ministry is ok with us marrying. However, we will require your parents blessing. How do you think they will take it?" Severus asked. "Hmm, I'm pregnant and planning to marry a man 20 years my senior, so I guess they will be really happy for us... Not." She sighed. "We will have to pay them a visit my love, let's just hope we can find a loophole somewhere that would allow them to attend the wedding. After all, they are muggles so it will be difficult."

"Hermione, let's go to bed. It's been a long day and you need all the rest you can get in your condition... Especially after the mind blowing love we just made." Severus chuckled. Severus led Hermione to the bedroom and climbed into bed, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "Severus?" Hermione whispered with a smile, "I love you so much. Do you think we were always destined to be together?" She asked. "I believe so my love, there is no other insufferable know it all who could compare." He chucked, as he remembered what Albus told him before.

"What? Not even Pervious Wankmeov?" Hermione grinned and burst into a fit of laughter. "Okay, I admit it. It was kind of funny." Severus smirked. "It was hilarious!" She smiled, "honestly, you and Harry are both as crazy as each other...." He sighed.
"Now go to sleep Hermione, it's very late. I have to get up early I have 5th years first thing." He groaned. Hermione nestled into his arms and closed her eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep.

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