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Boarding the train, Hermione led Severus into her usual carriage. Ginny and Harry were already there, she felt sad to see Ronald wasn't there and Harry picked up on this right away. "I think it's asking too much of him Herms, he still loves you." Harry explained, "Yeah, but don't let it get to you. He's quite alright with Neville and Seamus." Ginny added. Severus glared at Hermione he didn't like the fact she held sadness in her eyes over that weasel boy. "Don't start." Hermione spat in a whisper, Severus knew not to upset the hormonal witch. He trusted her, deep down he knew it was just her caring nature getting the better of her.

"Did you have breakfast? You weren't at the great hall this morning.." Ginny wondered. "We had breakfast in Sev's quarters." Hermione explained, "Let's just hope you skipped the baked beans eh!" Harry joked towards Severus, causing him to scowl in annoyance. "I did have beans actually Harry,
Not that it's got anything to do with you!" Severus groaned, "it does have something to do with me when we're stuck in this confined space." Harry sniggered, and Ginny giggled under her breath. Hermione glared at Ginny for joining in and she mouthed 'sorry' at her pregnant pal. "I can assure you Harry if I feel the need to release my delightful gasses I will be sure to give you prior warning." Severus smirked, before adding "I have to make sure your facing the right direction when You feel my breeze on your face." Severus snorted at a disgusted Harry.

"There's something wrong with him!" Harry told Hermione with a frown, "I know, that's why I love him!" She laughed, nestling into Severus' robes. "You are good together you know, and farts or no farts I know he will look after you... All 3 of you!" Harry smiled, he was happy for his friend. Severus wasn't as bad as he used to be, he could only dream of the same level of love for Ginny and himself.

They arrived at Hogsmeade and alighted the train, Harry and Ginny made arrangements to meet Hermione at the three broomsticks in an hour, and went on their way. Severus and Hermione went straight to a shop selling furniture and other homeware. "We're looking for cribs." Severus told the old witch behind the counter, "right this way!" The woman shrieked happily, Hermione grinned to herself knowing exactly what Severus made of the woman. "Here we are sir." She said, rubbing her weathered hands together. "We only have these two..." She explained with a sigh, Albert hasn't been ordering anything from the list I wrote you see, honestly sometimes I wonder if he has his head screwed on at all!" The woman, who was apparently called 'Hilda' beamed. Hermione knew worked out her name by the grunting coming from a chair in the corner, an old man sat there, scowling at the witch after overhearing her rant. "It's ok, these are fine." Hermione smiled kindly to Hilda, Severus nodded in agreement. "You're taking them both! Oh how wonderful! my children are twins you know, 2 boys!" Hilda grinned happily.

Severus carried both cribs to the till, and took a pouch of galleons from his cloak. "Is your father paying, dear?" Hilda asked, causing Severus to blush in humiliation. "THE father is paying." Severus seethed, Hermione put a hand on his arm to get him to turn his thong back the right way round. "Leave it!" She soothed, and stepped aside so Severus could pay for the two cribs. After they paid Severus performed a shrinking charm on them and placed them in his pocket. Hermione smiled happily as she took his hand leading him out of the shop, turning only to say goodbye to Hilda.

"WHAT THE DEVIL JUST HAPPENED!" Severus shrieked when they stood outside the shop, "Sev, She just got the wrong idea. Just relax, my love." Hermione tried to reassure him, he smiled gently which thankfully Hermione thought of as genuine. It wasn't though, in truth Severus felt horrified.

"Let's go meet Harry and Ginny, come." Hermione grinned, reaching up to kiss him gently and taking his hand proudly, She wanted him to know that she was not ashamed of him. He couldn't help but feel inner pride.
When they arrived at the three broom sticks, They saw Harry and Ginny sat at a table in the window. "How did it go?" Ginny asked happily, pulling herself away from Harry. They were necking when Hermione and Sev arrived. "It went well, we have two lovely cribs now!" Hermione gushed, "Hmph! It went well?" Severus huffed, "Is everything ok?" Harry asked looking rather confused. "He's in a hoof because the old woman in the shop assumed he is my father." Hermione explained. Harry burst into laughter, "oh!!! Oh, that's too good Herms!" He cackled hysterically, only stopping when Ginny nudged him with her elbow. "It's not funny!" Ginny scolded him, Severus looked towards Ginny and she have him a reassuring yet awkward smile. He gave a small smile in return and stewed in his own juices for the rest of the time he spent with them.

"Sev, babe. For fuck sake!" Hermione sighed as everyone turned around and looked in their direction after hearing one hell of a monster fart. "Sorry, I simply farted again." "I can bloody see that Sev, put a bloody cork in it!" Hermione scolded him in embarrassment. "It would have probably blind someone in the eye after that one..." Harry laughed. "It was the beans." Hermione explained, Ginny was biting her lip to hold it her laughter. "I like beans! Ok? Are you going to ban me from eating beans now Hermione?" Severus snapped. "I was thinking more of a restraining order..." Hermione snorted.

Ginny changed the subject, and they found themselves discussing wedding plans, Severus had all these ideas he refused to share. He didn't want to 'ruin the surprise.'

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