Big News

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I wake again to the violent shaking which means Tylers around. I carefully open my eyes and squint around the room; "Morning" I stammer while the blanket that was covering me is pulled out of my reach. "What time is it? How long did I sleep?"

"It's nearly 2. You do the Maths, It's not really that hard. 14 minus 7!" Tyler cheerily states. I wonder why she's so happy? Has she gotten a new boyfriend? She didn't take the split from her last one too well.

"No, that isn't hard maths for someone like you... who's been awake hours... it's difficult if you've only just woken up!" I whine. I hope it's done the trick... it really isn't hard maths. I just couldn't be arsed! "Anyways, why you so happy? Niall finally decide to put you out your misery and retweet you or something?"

"Nope. We are going Christmas shopping with Sophie today. We hope you don't mind but we fixed it up about 45 minutes ago. She's showering while I promised I'd rouse you!" OMFG! She really knows how to snap me out of a daze.

"Tinkerbell" I stretch out the wod because I know how much she loves that name... not! "You know what my dream is... Why the Hell would I be mad???" She can actually be an idiot sometimes! That isn't something you'd guess when she got mostly A*'s at GCSE. I think there was an A somewhere in there though.. who knows?!

"So you're happy then?" Well. DUH!!!! Honestly, she really doesn't get sarcasm.

"YES I'M JUMPING FOR JOY!!!!!!! WHY WOULDN'T I BE???? Duh brain." I say while bouncing up and down in my position on the sofa. "Whats for breakfast then chef?"

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